Mort Rainey 3.

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A/n Let me know if you would like a part 2.

I got home from work one day and saw that the house across the street from mine had finally been moved into
"Moved in this morning" my next door neighbor Hattie Jones says to me"And not a nice one either"
"Why is that then?" I ask curious, normally I don't engage with Hattie Jones and her gossip but this is different.

"According to Officer Carter, this man Mort Rainey has not long ago been let free from a psychiatric hospital" Hattie says"Apparently he killed his ex wife,her new husband and few others back where he used to live in Tashmore Lake. He claims to not have done it but he lied" I look across the road to the house and see all the curtains are closed and the house is silent.

"I'm sure he is no harm then" I say before going into my own home. What Hattie said had got me thinking, what if Mort Rainey is right and that someone did frame him for murder and convince people that he is insane. Being a private investigator I could look into the story of Mort and see what truth I can find. Of course talking to Mort would be a great help,but that could take some time.

I actually got to meet Mort Rainey sooner than I was expecting. I saw him sat alone in the launderette four days after he had moved into town. I took the chance and went and spoke to him. I walked into the launderette and approached the man reading the newspaper
"Excuse me are you Mort Rainey?" I say,he doesn't look up but said
"That depends if you are here to hurt me with lies."

He sounds sad and broken
"No I am not, I'm here to get you to autograph my book of yours" I say,this catches Mort's attention as he folds the newspaper puts it beside him and looks up at me. I could tell just by looking into his brown eyes,that he is tired, scared and alone
"Why?" Mort asks
"You are my favorite author Mr Rainey" I say to him"And I would also like to help you."

"How?" Mort asks sceptical
"I am a P.I and I want to help you to prove your innocence" I say sitting down beside him"I have spent the last three days going over police files from TashMore lake and a lot of it doesn't add up."
"You would really do this for me?" Mort asks hopeful
"Of course I would, I know you are innocent I just need the evidence to prove it" I say.

"Although it would mean re visiting your past" I could see Mort thinking over what I had said
"First tell me your name?"
"Y/n L/n" I say
"Okay Y/n I am willing to help you,if you do truly think you can prove my innocence" Mort says
"Mr Rainey I wouldn't have approached you,if I didn't think it was possible" I tell him
"Call me Mort and let's get started."

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