Gellert Grindelwald 4.

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A/n this idea is meant to be a love triangle,but I have never written one before. Let me know if I should do a part 2 to this.

Me and Mark have been friends since we both joined the Greater Good that night in Paris. I was doing a few things for Grindelwald before then but I became a official loyal follower when I passed threw the blue flames. Since then I was asked to teach Credence magic which I enjoy greatly and Mark did things like infiltrate the Ministry and get more people to join the cause.

To start with I had a crush on Mark,he is nice,with longish black hair and blue eyes

To start with I had a crush on Mark,he is nice,with longish black hair and blue eyes

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A/n Mark,actually this is Aneurin Barnard from The White Queen or Dunkirk.

And we got along great to start with but then I taught Credence and Mark did his jobs,we saw less of each other and the few times we did,I felt less attracted to him each time.

Although during this time that I saw less of Mark,I did become attracted to another man. This man is alluring, dark,handsome, intimidating to most but I saw a side to him no one else did,his softer side,this man is the leader of the greater good himself Gellert Grindelwald. As I taught Credence I got to spend more time with Gellert as he wanted weekly reports on Credence's progress, and during this time I got to know the dark wizard better.

During these weekly reports we would walk around outside,and what started out as just a catch up soon became my favorite part of the week. At first it started out as about half an hour outside,but then it got longer as we got to know each other better. And then I realized that I have a crush on him,any time I saw him I would feel my self smiling, the rare times he smiled at me I could feel my self blushing. I am fiercely attracted to this charming wizard.

On this Sunday, we spent longer outside together than we meant to
"I think we should be heading back inside,my dear" Gellert says
"Yeah,it is later than I realized" I say,we make our way back inside and walk to the kitchen to eat. I walk into the kitchen to find it empty but a small table has been set for two,I glance at Gellert
"Did you plan this?"I ask
"Maybe" Gellert says pulling out a chair for me,after closing the door Gellert lit some candles and sat at the other end of the small table.

We sat talking whilst we ate and I enjoyed every moment of it. The times I looked Gellert in the eyes,the soft glow of the candle light made his miss matched eyes sparkle,I could drown in there beauty
"Y/n are you listening?" I hear Gellert say
"Huh...sorry sir" I say,snapping out of my stare
"I have told you before,you can call me Gellert" Gellert tells me smiling
"Sorry" I say again
"I asked what has got your attention?" He asks me.

"" Should I tell him?"Your eyes"I say quietly
"And what about my eyes?" Gellert asks,leaning forward slightly
" it" I say standing up to put my plate to be washed. I hear Gellert move and feel him stand behind me
"Tell me Y/n,I wish to know" Gellert says close to my ear,his deep voice sends shivers down my spine. I turn around and find Gellert merely centimeters away from me,my mouth moves for me
"Your eyes are beautiful"

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