Ichabod Crane and Sweeny Todd.

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This is a Ichabod Crane x Reader and Sweeny Todd x O.C Luna belongs to PrincessOfLight1234 a/n some swearing

Today is the day I am going to meet my long time close friend Sweeny Todd's new lady. I am happy that he has found someone again after he lost his wife and child. I stand watching my boyfriend of two years,Ichabod Crane fix his dark brown hair. I actually met Ichabod threw Sweeny,I had gone round to see Sweeny in his barbers and saw a man that looked similar to Sweeny but less pale. Mr Crane is a detective with the police and had recently moved to London from Sleepy Hollow.

That damn cheeky barber set us up on a date,by telling us both to meet him at the same place but not show up. I had a great time with Ichabod that day,after a few more dates we became boyfriend and girlfriend. Ichabod is trying to neaten his hair but it is not working
"Ichabod love,leave your hair alone" I say to him
"It won't stay down" Ichabod said,turning to face me
"I like it how it is" I say running a hand threw his hair
"Then for you my dear,I shall leave it".

"Now let's get going or we will be late" I say taking Ichabod by the hand and heading out the front door. The restaurant that we would meet Sweeny at is only twenty minutes away. We arrived before he did
"Shall we go in my dear?" Ichabod asks
"Let's give them a few more minutes" I say. We stand talking in the warm breeze,I notice Ichabod glance over my head
"Ah here they come now" A few moments later we are joined by Sweeny and his mystery Lady.

"What time to do you call this?" I ask
"Y/n you know my on time is just slightly late" Sweeny shrugs
"Whatever,now make with the hug" I say
"No way,I don't like hugs" Sweeny says
"Bollocks" I say grabbing Sweeny in a hug,before he could escape "So Todd,who is your lady friend" I ask letting go of the sulky barber
"This is Luna Del Swan, my girlfriend" Sweeny says.

The lady called Luna has blue eyes and black hair
"Hello" Luna says offering a hand
"Nope,I'm a hugger" I say and wrap the woman in a hug,she tenses but then relaxed
"Yes alright, let's go in before you hug everyone again" Sweeny says
"Excuse you, but you dared me to do that and you still owe me that bottle of whisky" I pout
"You'll get it for Christmas" Sweeny says"Luna this is my annoying friend Y/n L/n and her boyfriend Ichabod Crane"

"Nice to meet you both" Luna says,the four of us make our way inside and are seated at a table for four. After ordering we sit and talk
"So Luna,tell me about your self" I say to the black haired woman
"There isn't much to tell" Luna says
"Oh well there must be something" I encourage "How did you met Grumpy Pants Barber?" I ask
"He saved me from my abusive ex Jake" Luna says"He cheated and then became abusive "
"I'm sorry to hear that" I say.

"Well if he gives you any more hassle, I can kill him in thirteen different ways and not leave a trace" I say
"Thanks I'll keep that in mind" Luna smiles
"So where do you work?" I ask
"No where at present" Luna says,the waiter brings the food and we eat.

The two guys pay the check,being the gentlemen they are and we head back outside
"So what are you two planning on doing?"Sweeny asks smirking
"Get your mind out of the gutter Todd" I say
"We will take a walk around the park,then head home" Ichabod says
"OK,don't forget your condomes" Sweeny says
" Fuck you Todd"I say"Or maybe Luna will"I say with my own smirk.

"That's real mature N/n,real mature" Sweeny says
"Come on Y/n,let's go before it gets dark" Ichabod says
"Bye guys,don't forget to have safe sex" I call to Todd
"Piss off bitch" Sweeny shouts back. I run and catch up my boyfriend
"So what do you think of Luna?" He asks
"I like her,she is a nice woman with a bad past" I say holding Ichabod's hand
"I think they will make each other happy" Ichabod says as we enter the park.

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