Johnny Depp(Valentine Special)

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Life with one of the most well know and well loved men on the planet isn't easy. Yes you love your husband Johnny Depp and he loves you. But the two of you hate the lack of privacy, so for this Valentine's day the two of you had gotten time off from your jobs and headed to England to spend four days together isolated in the middle of the English countryside.

The small cottage the two of you are staying in is the only building around for miles,although you have a rented car to drive to the nearest town. And a forest lay just behind the cottage so you could for walks in there undistributed.

On the late afternoon on February 14th Johnny suggested a walk threw the forest. You agreed and the two of you set off
"I'm glad you suggested this walk John,it's so peaceful" you say
"I'm glad you like it sweetheart" Johnny smiles,the two of you walk in silence for a few moments until you notice Johnny looking at you every so often.

"Something on your mind Depp?" You ask him
"Cant I just look at my beautiful wife?" Johnny says
"Of course you can,but recently every time you have looked at me a lot,you tend to have a surprise for me" you remind him
"Wait and see Darling" Johnny says smirking.

Typical of Johnny to keep a surprise from you,he knows you love them
"Can you give me a clue sexy?" You ask Johnny sweetly
"Why not?"
"The best kind of prize is a surprise" Johnny tells you.

You didn't like his Willy Wonka answer,so you decided to jump on his back surprising him and causing him and you to fall into the soft grass
"What are you doing love?" Johnny asks
"Tell me the surprise please" You plead with him
"You only have to wait a few more feet" Johnny tells you.

"Then let's go" you say standing up and helping Johnny to his feet. And as your husband had said his surprise is up ahead. A large blanket is set on the floor,with a ice bucket with wine inside and a small picnic basket. Across the trees are heart shaped fairy lights and with the setting sun,it made it all the more romantic.

"Oh Johnny, you did this all for me?" You say shocked
"You deserve it babe" Johnny tells you,leading you to the blanket
"You always surprise me everyone year,when can I treat you?" You ask him
"But y/n you are my everyday treat,you are the woman I love most" Johnny tells you
"That is really sweet" you tell him blushing
"Its the truth"

The two of you sit and enjoy the snacks that Johnny had prepared for you and drank some wine. Soon the sun had set and stars began to fill the sky above you. A gentle breeze began to blow around the trees so you both decided it was time to head back.
"Are you warm enough beautiful?" Johnny asks you
"I'm fine"

Johnny took off his jacket and placed around your shoulders anyway,he then wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. You in turn rested your head on his shoulder,as you walked in silence back to the cottage making the most of your privacy and alone time together.

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