Characters 1(part 1)

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A/n after being inspired by @baybay08 amazing JD characters story,I have decide to write my own.

Another fun filled day in lockdown,ever since the country was put on hold each day has been different. Most people had it almost the same each day,but me-I'm locked in a house with ten guys. Now that is most guys and women's idea of heaven,but to me its a bit of a challenge. The ten guys are all different from each other,but also similar in some ways.

I'm currently in town with two guys,Captain Jack Sparrow and Gellert Grindelwald
"Gellert,can I ask you something?" I ask the platinum blond, I had permission to use his name
"Of course" Gellert replies
"Will you get the supplies,whilst I keep an eye on Captain man child" I say
"Anything for you,my dear" Gellert says,taking my hand and kissing my knuckles
"Oi blondie,hands off my woman" Jack shouts,stumbling over to us
"Firstly pirate, I am platinum blond and second Y/n is not your woman" Gellert tells him,Jack who could not think of a cocky comment said
"Oh shut it" which caused me to laugh and Gellert to smirk. Before I left with Jack,I said to Gellert
"Oh and Gellert" he looks at me"No recruiting people for the greater good"
"You have my word" he says
"Could we have it in blood,I mean ink" Jack asks,Gellert just walks off.

About an hour later me and Jack met back up with Gellert and we headed back home. We had got things the other guys needed and also things for our selves. As I opened the front door,we are greeted by the ever enthusiastic Tarrant Hightopp(mad hatter)
"Hello people, I have tea waiting for you" he greets happily, Tarrant then hugs me,Jack had already walked off. Tarrant turned to Gellert and hugged the wizard
"Awww" I tease,Tarrant tightened his grip on Gellert,who had his arms at his sides. As Tarrant walked off,Gellert mutters
"He is a strange one"
"We're all made here,Gellert" I tell him,as we walk into the kitchen
"I am not mad" Gellert tells me
"All the best people are,even you" I tell him.

One by one the guys come to get there stuff. For Ichabod Crane,new chemicals for his work,for Edward some plants for him to cut,for Tonto seeds for his dead,sorry"awaiting spirit to return"bird,for Barnabas Collins fresh animal blood and books to read,for Sweeny Todd a new sharpening block for his "friends", for Willy Wonka fresh ingredients for his chocolate, for Mort Rainey more ink and paper for the printer,for Tarrant more tea bags/leaves,for Jack Rum and Gellert nothing.

"Umm Gellert,did we forget to get you something?" I ask him
"No" Gellert answers,sitting down
"But we never get anything for you" I say sitting beside him
"Its fine really" Gellert tells me
"Yes well,I didn't listen and got you stuff" I say"It's just a bunch of stationary,but I had it personalised for you"it is pens,pencils, a rubber,a sharpener and a note book,all had the same personalised Deathly Hallows logo,I designed for Gellert.

"Umm Gellert,did we forget to get you something?" I ask him"No" Gellert answers,sitting down"But we never get anything for you" I say sitting beside him"Its fine really" Gellert tells me"Yes well,I didn't listen and got you stuff" I say"It's just ...

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A/n this is the logo.

"That's very sweet of you Y/n,but..." Gellert begins,but stops when I hug him
"You can hug me" I say
"I don't hug" Gellert says
"If I can get Wonka to hug and Todd to laugh, I can get you to do both" and to my surprise he hugs me back

"Pardon the intrusion" came Tarrant's lispy voice,I let go of the wizard to see Tarrant with Edward,Ichabod and Willy. Gellert gave them a look which said"if you say anything about that hug,I'll kill you".
"What's up guys?" I ask
"Its Jack,Miss Y/n" Ichabod said
"What's he done this time?" Gellert asks
"Its not what he's done,its what he hasn't"Willy said
"Which is?" I ask
" three weeks" Edward tells me
"Leave him to me" I say to the four guys.

After they left Jack happened to enter the kitchen
"Ah Sparrow,just the man I needed to see" I say
"Aye love" Jack says
"When was the last time you showered?" I ask,Jack hesitates, then says
"Last Sunday"
"Today is Sunday,you stink far worse than a week pirate" Gellert tells him
"You have two options Jack,one shower willingly or two I let the wizard hit you with a water spell at full power"
"If I do it willingly, what's in it for me?" Jack smirks,I pull out Jack's hat and place it on my head
"You get this back and two ice cold bottles of rum" I say,getting the bottles from the fridge. I see Jack eye the bottles, then say
"Fine,you win love" and he headed up stairs. I open one of the bottles and drink it
"I thought you did not drink?" Gellert asks.

"I don't,this is apple and blackcurrant juice" I say
"Well I won't tell Sparrow,your secret" Gellert says opening the other bottle
"And your secret is safe with me" I tell him,Gellert looks at me confused
"I have no secret, that I have not told you"
"The one were you have been stealing Willy's chocolate and Tarrant's cakes without them seeing" I say smug
"I don't know what you mean" Gellert said dismissive
"Fine, let's ask Willy" I say"HEY WILLY,COULD YOU COME HERE"a few moments later,the chocolate maker walks into the kitchen
"Yes Jellybean" Willy says cheerful
"I was just wondering if you found out what happened to your missing chocolate" I ask,I could see Gellert glaring at me
"No I haven't,it certainly is a mystery" Willy says
"Maybe ask Ichabod to help,he's a detective" I suggest
"That's an excellent idea" Willy says happily
"Glad to help" I smile"Next time you steal chocolate, make sure to share with me"I tell Gellert after Willy had left
"You're a wicked woman" Gellert says
"What can I say,I learned from the best" I tell him,I could see Gellert smirking.

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