Willy Wonka 4

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I hurriedly make my way back to the big chocolate factory, after venturing out for a breather. I love the smell of melting chocolate of the factory, but I wanted to breathe normal air again. But I regretted my choice when I saw my ex again. You see I'm not bitter about love and relationship's it is just...my past had not been good with love.

I've never actually had a good relationship, except for my ex Andrew. We had been together for five years after collage and everything was going great,we where just about to move in together when it happened. Turns out Andrew was just using me the whole time,he had another woman and they had a child together and because I had told Andrew I had come into some money from my grandparents, he got with me and used my money to pay for his family.

I was humiliated when I found out,I had no money,no boyfriend and I was heartbroken. I did have a bit of luck though, as a month later I got a job working for the king of chocolate Willy Wonka. I am an assistant in the factory, I basically help anyone who needs help, but its mostly Willy who I work with and he is great fun to work beside.

Arriving back at the factory I made my way to my room and changed into some more comfy clothes,I sat and thought about my love life,its not like the perfect man is just going to walk into my life. Is he?

Willy's P.O.V

I sat behind my desk in my office not listening to Charlie talk,he is going over our plan of action about me...
"Mr Wonka,are you listening?" I hear Charlie ask
"Yes"I say
"What did I just say then?" Charlie asks me, I have no clue
"Mr Wonka" I say hopeful.

"Come on Mr Wonka,you're never going to be able to tell Y/n how you feel if you don't pay attention" Charlie says
"Okay tell me again,about the plan" I ask
"Isn't it weird getting love advice from a 15 year old?" Charlie asks me
"No,your parents are out and I'm not asking Y/n,so your the only one left" I say.

"Fair enough, now you get Y/n's favorite chocolate, go to her room and start a normal conversation, then change the topic to your feelings" Charlie explains
"Can you tell her for me?" I ask
"No" Charlie says
"But..." I protest
"Go,now" Charlie says,I get up slowly and make my way to the edible room to get Y/n's favorite treat. I then make my way to her room
"I wasn't even this nervous when I saw my d..dad again" I say to no one,before knocking on the door.

Y/n's p.o.v

I had stopped thinking about my love life and am now watching cartoons,when someone knocks on the door
"Come in" I can,the door opens and it is Willy,strangely though he doesn't have his stick full of sweets or his purple gloves
"....er....I brought (favorite chocolate)" Willy stammers.

"That's sweet of you Willy, but where are your gloves?" I ask,as he walks further into my room
"Oh they where making my hands itch" Willy says
"Why would they do that?" I ask
"Sweaty hands,so Charlie tells me" Willy informs me
"Well come sit and watch cartoons with me" I say.

I move over and Willy sits awkwardly beside me. I eat the treat Willy brought me but could see him fidgeting beside me
"You okay,chocolate man?" I ask him
"Actually Y/n,I have something to ask you" Willy says
"If its where baby's come from,ask Mrs Bucket" I joke"Sorry about the bad joke,go ahead and ask",

Willy shifts slightly closer to me and takes my hand in his ungloved one. His hand is soft and I get tingles when are hands met
"Y/n I wanted to tell you this for some time,but you've been distracted lately" Willy begins
"Sorry about that,so what did you want to tell me" I ask
"That I...like you...loads" Willy says.

I stare at him
"What?"I ask
"From the moment I saw you I knew you would be someone special, it wasn't until your last date...that I realized how important you are to me" Willy says
"Are you saying you where jealous?" I ask him

"Yes,I wanted to be the man you went out with...on the date" Willy says
"You wanted to go out with me" I ask shocked
"I still do coco bean" Willy smiles
"But I'm no good at relationship's" I say
"I've never had one,so let's learn together?" Willy asks.

"Did Charlie tell you this?" I ask
"I forgot what he said" Willy tells me
"So its from the heart" I ask
"You really are as sweet as your chocolate, I think I can give this love thing one last go with you Willy Wonka"

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