Mort Rainey 2.

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Warning one swear word(through i don't class it as one)

Working in a diner for several years you meet plenty of interesting people from all walks of life. I did have a favorite couple though, Mort and Amy Rainey. Well actually it was more Mort that I liked,as he was always so polite and friendly towards me,his wife Amy,there was something off about her. She was always a bitch to me when Mort wasn't around and I didn't know why.

Over time I saw less of Amy and Mort together,until one day Mort came in without his wedding ring and I knew what had happened. What I didn't expect was the reason why. Amy accused Mort of having an affair with me,but really she was the one that was having the affair,as Mort found her in a motel with another man. What a bitch.

It has been a few months since Amy left TashMore lake,and Mort hasn't been around as often. Until one day it all changed. Mort came into the diner about half an hour before my shift ended
"Mort,good to see you again" I say,smiling at him
"You too Y/n" Mort says as he sits down
"What can I get you?"

"Just some coffee please" Mort asks. After getting Mort coffee I sat and talked with him as the diner is empty
"How have you been Mort?" I ask him
"I've been coping, trying to get a new book done but coming up blank" Mort tells me"What about you,anything new happened? "
"No nothing, work has been slow lately" I tell him.

"Er...y/n...I was wondering if you...well if you aren't busy...would you like know...get some lunch?" Mort asks nervously
"I'd love to,my shift ends soon anyway" I tell him
"I'll just drink my coffee till then" Mort says.

Once my shift ended,we left the diner and headed to town in Mort's jeep to get something to eat. After eating we went for a drive
"Do you like going on walks Y/n?" Mort asks,stopping at a red light
"Yes I do,but there isn't many places to go" I say
"There is a great walk just past my home" Mort tells me.

"Let's do it" I say,unfortunately as Mort pulled up by his home it stared to thunder and lighting
"As long as it doesn't rain,we will be alright" Mort says and no sooner had the words left his mouth did it start to rain,really hard
"You're a bad weather man Morton Rainey" I say laughing, we exit the jeep and run to the front door but get soaked threw in a few seconds.

Mort heads upstairs to get dry clothes to wear after letting us inside,I got to know Mort's dog Chico as Mort came back down stairs
"Sorry Y/n but I've only got my clothes" Mort says handing me a towel
"Its fine" I tell him,after drying my hair I head into the kitchen and change out of my wet clothes and put on one of Mort's blue shirts.

I head back into the living room and see Mort sat in his dressing gown on the sofa. We sat talking together as the storm raged on outside,we sat close together eating Doriots with Chico watching us from his chair opposite us
"You're very smart y/n,Smart,funny and beautiful" Mort says.

"Are you flirting with me?" I ask playfully
"Yes,is it okay?" Mort says quietly
"I don't mind at all"
"Then I want to kiss you" Mort says leaning in closer to me,I put my hand over his mouth
"Not with chilly heatwave breath"
"Be right back" Mort says before running off upstairs, me and Chico share a look as Mort hurries back into the room"Is this better?"

Mort leans closer again and his breath is now minty
"Did you brush your teeth?" I ask
"No mouth wash" Mort says, I lean forward and kiss him. The kiss was nothing like I was expecting, it was amazing. Mort's hand slowly moved up my bare leg towards the bottom of his shirt,the lights over head flicked before going off.

We pulled back from the kiss and Mort said
"Looks like our kiss killed the power"
"You dork" I say hitting Mort with a cushion
"You asked for it,Chico get her" Mort says,Chico however comes over to us jumps onto the sofa and rests his head on my lap with his butt towards Mort
"I think Chico has made his choice" I grin
"Traitor" Mort grumbles.

"You're adorable Mort" I tell him,this makes Mort smirk
"You wanna stay the night?" Mort asks me
"I'm not going out in that storm" I say
"Ah,I forgot about the storm" Mort admits sheepishly
"What am I going to do with you Morton Rainey?"
"Love me,feed me and never leave me" Mort says,we both burst out laughing at Mort's comment,unaware of the figure outside in the pouring rain watching us...

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