Edward Scissorhands

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I'm a little bit nervous about this evening, you see it is my first outing with my boyfriend Edward. We have been on dates but they mostly consisted of staying in the big black mansion on the hill or just going for an evening walk. I'm not ashamed to be seen with Edward,yes he has scissors for hands but I look past that and see Edward for who he really is,a sweet,kind and caring man.

I don't like being out with Edward during the day because people stare at him,shout horrible names at him or runaway from him like he is a illness and that annoys me .A old friend of mine from when I was little has not long opened her first restaurant and has asked me to stop by. I talked it over with Edward first and he agreed to this date in town. He just wants me to be happy and I just want him to be happy and accepted for who he is.

Since the restaurant belongs to a friend we decided to not dress fancy,so I went with a pair of trainers,jeans,t shirt and light jacket and Edward went with a white shirt and black trousers over the top of his leather all in one gear
"You know Ed,there is one thing I'm jealous about you" I say to Edward as we head into town
"What's that then Y/n" Edward asks me.

"Your hair,it sticks up in fifty different ways and yet you still look perfect, if I tried that I'd look like I got dragged threw a hedge backwards" I say
"You're perfect to me Y/n" Edward tells me
"Gosh Edward you really are to sweet" I say blushing. As our light conversation carried on,I got the feeling we where being watched which I tried to ignore.

We arrived at the restaurant and are greeted by the owner
"Y/n good to see you again" F/n says
"And you as well,this is Edward my boyfriend" I say introducing End
"Oh Y/n he is very handsome" F/n says to me making Edward shy
"Careful F/n or I'll tell your wife" I say playfully.

"Come on lovebirds let's get you seated" we follow F/n inside and see there is a fair few people already inside,some on there own dates and others with family. But as we walked by they all looked at us funny.

Time skip

So far this evening has been amazing, no one has insulted my boyfriend and Edward is just the perfect gentleman. Sadly though it didn't last,I am talking to Edward after we finished our meal and as he is taking a drink of his water,the glass smashed all over the table
"Oh no" Edward says
"It's OK Edward, these things happen" I tell him.

"CHECK OUT THE FREAK" someone shouts
"YEAH GO BACK TO THE FREAK SHOW,LOSER" someone else calls,this made me angry but upset Edward who got up and ran to the doors,accidentally braking a few things in his haste
"Edward wait ,come back" I shout running after him. I ran all the way back to the mansion and found Edward cutting a bush.

Cutting bushes is like therapy to Edward, when he is upset he comes here to calm down
"Edward" I say quietly as to not scare him
"Am I a freak?" Edward asks me sadly not facing me
"No Edward you aren't a freak" I say to him,I carefully walk over to him as he turns to face me,I can see sadness in his beautiful brown eyes.

I lead Edward back into the mansion and to our room,after doing my nightly routine I join him in bed
"Can I ask you something Ed?" I ask
"Does it really matter to you,what those idiots think of you?" I ask
"I only care about what you think of me" Edward tells me
"I love you Edward, scissor hands and all" I smile at him
"And I love you Y/n"
"Then don't worry about the others,as long I love you and you love me that's what's important" I tell Edward
"Thank you" Edward says
"For what?" I ask
"For being you."
"No Edward thank you for being the sweetheart you are."

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