Gellert Grindelwald 4 part 4

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A/n this is inspired by JusticeForJohnny this is smut but different,enjoy

Its only a few days until Christmas and I am currently trying to hide from my boyfriend,Gellert Grindelwald. I am in trouble with him,you see I am determined to find what Gellert has gotten me for Christmas so I ransacked his office to try and find it,to no luck. And I had heard from Credence that Gellert is looking for me. I am unsure about his punishment though, Gellert's punishments vary depending on his moods. So I have managed to evade my boyfriend and now it is the after noon. I had finished wondering outside and am inside now.

I am walking down a corridor, when I hear a voice
"Y/n" I turn and see Abernathy
"Yes Abernathy" I say when he has caught up to me
"I think the thing you have been looking for,is inside the living room" Abernathy tells me
"And Gellert?" I ask
"Is in the library" Abernathy says,which is good as the library is quite a distance from the living room. With that I practically ran to the living room,I finally have a chance to find my gift.

I open the door to the living room and had only gone a few steps inside when a deep voice says
"Just the naughty girl I am looking for"
"Oh bugger" I say seeing Gellert in front of me,I go to leave but Gellert closes the door before I have a chance
"Going somewhere?" Gellert says coming over to me
"No..." I say
"No what?" Gellert says
"No sir" I say looking down.

"Good" Gellert places a finger under my chin and raises my head"You have been a very naughty girl,haven't you Y/n"their is something different about his voice, not anger but arousal
"Yes I have been...sir" I say,not being able to look away from his eyes which are darker with lust,I have a idea to what his punishment will be
"Now let's see about a fitting punishment for you" Gellert says,reaching up and undoing my hair,he ran his hand threw my hair before pulling me slightly forcefully to him and kissing me roughly on the lips,wasting no time inserting his tounge into my mouth and tracing every inch.

Gellert pulls back,takes off his black trench coat and sits on the sofa
"Come here" Gellert purrs,I swallowed and made my way over and sit down on his lap facing him. Gellert grabs me by the hips and pulls me closer. His large hands left my hips and made there way up to the front of my shirt, which he then began to unbutton almost all the way down. With a flick of his wrist Gellert made my black bra disappear, leaving my breasts on full display before him,which he smirked at. Gellert pushed my shoulders so I lent back a bit, before he took my left breast into his mouth and played with the right.

I wanted to moan at the feeling but knew someone might hear us. Gellert stopped his assault on my breasts
"I want to hear you moan" Gellert demands
"Yes sir" I say knowing it turned him on more,Gellert went back to his assault licking and sucking my breast. This time I let out the moan as Gellert switched to my right breast and did the same. After he finished with my breasts, Gellert kissed me again and pushed me down on to my back on the sofa and got on top of me. This wasn't the first time we had done something like this,after our little disagreement with what Mark said,to make it up to me properly,Gellert took me from behind over the meeting table where Mark sat.

We lay on the sofa kissing passionately, I thought this was it until Gellert moved his hips and I felt the large bulge in his leather trouser's push against my core. I moaned and bit on his lip. Gellert growled at me so I let go
"Do not make this worse for your self" he says
"Sorry sir" I say,Gellert leans down and begins to suck and bite on my neck,knowing exactly where my sweet spot is. And to make it worse Gellert began to rock his hips against mine but slowly.

"Gellert...please...faster" I pant,in response Gellert bit down on my collarbone, making me scream in pleasure
"What did I say you must call me?" Gellert says,briefly looking at me
"Sir" I moan out as he pushed his hips harder against me. This is Gellert's favorite type of punishment, dry humping in a public place. The chance of being seen turned him on,even though I said it didn't, I secretly loved it as much. Gellert pulled back from my neck and sat up on his knees,he pulled down my trouser's to just past my knees and then repositioned him self over me,coming back down again.

The thin fabric of my pants is already soaking wet
"So wet for me slut" Gellert said as he began to move his hips again,and I moan louder this time,I didn't realize it at the time. The friction from my pants and his leather trouser's felt incredible. Gellert began to move a bit faster but not to much as he liked to draw it out as long as possible, which I whined at
"Such a need little brat,aren't you" Gellert smirked at me"You want my cock don't you slut?"

"Please sir" I begged
"But you don't deserve it,do you" Gellert taunts
"No sir, I don't" I say, grabbing onto his strong shoulders
"Naughty brats don't get filled with there masters cock" Gellert said and thrust harder against me,making me moan louder. Someone then had to knock on the door to the living room
"I wouldn't go in their" We hear someone say
"Why not?"We hear Mark ask.

"That's Mark" I say panting
"Excellent" Gellert grinned evilly"Come in"
"But sir,I'm so close" I whine
"Exactly, let Mark see what he can't enjoy" Gellert said,he moves my shirt to cover my breasts, as they are for his eyes only. The door opens and Mark says
"Sir,I have to..." And Mark's sentence dies as he sees what we are doing.

"Well what is it boy,can't you see I'm busy" Gellert says his eyes never leaving me as he kept on moving, Mark seemed to freeze in place,watching Gellert dry hump me and the faces of pleasure I made. And Gellert wasn't going to stop my punishment he would rather Mark witness what he can't enjoy. Me moaning,panting, groaning and begging to be filled and the pleasure Gellert is giving me. I glance at Mark and see he is getting a hard on from the show and his face is red either from anger or arsoul.

With a few more well placed thrusts,I came undone
"Ohhh....Gellert..." I moan loudly,scratching down Gellert's back causing him to finish
"Fuck Y/n...your amazing" Gellert said to me,we both look at Mark"So what did you want?"Mark opens his mouth to speak but closed it again and ran from the room fully hard. Me and Gellert look at each other before we burst out laughing "Nothing like showing my followers what they can't have."

Gellert moves off me and stands up,allowing me to do the same but my legs shake. As the door is still open I can see followers glance at us as they walk past,and as they see us re adjust our clothing and Mark running out earlier, they probably guessed what we had been doing
"Now you have forty minutes to relax whilst I have a meeting and then I want you naked and wet,ready for more punishment" Gellert says
"Yes sir" I say,as I walk past him Gellert slaps me on the ass not giving a shit who saw. As I walked up the stairs I made sure to sway my hips at my boyfriend. I decided to have a quick wash,knowing Gellert won't so Mark can smell my sex on him,then I will get a bit of sleep knowing that I will need plenty of energy, because I won't be sleeping any time soon.

Wow 1392 words.

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