Willy Wonka 3.

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A/n this adapted from a dream of mine.

It felt good to be back in my home town after years of being away,I was last here as a teenager and now I am an adult I decided to head home. My life in the big city had come to a dead stop,I lost my job,my home and my boyfriend was cheating. The only part of my life that hasn't changed is my best friend Tom Hiddelston.(this man has snuck into my dreams a lot recently, not that I'm complaining)

I've been friends with him since we where little and are still close today. When I told Tom I was moving back to my old hometown, Tom came with me to take a break from Hollywood and focus on himself. So he brought a home for us to live in,until he goes back to filming.

I'd got myself a job as a products tester,basically any new stuff comes out I got to try it first,my main area is food mostly chocolate. Tom has told me to take up running with him. So today we decided on a new route or rather I did.
"So Thomas,here's the plan" I start.

"Go ahead" Tom says standing beside me
"Okay so we start here at home,then we make our way threw the collection of shops,past the Bucket house onto the factory and back here again" I say
"OK let's go" Tom says heading out the front door
"Hey wait for me" I call after him.

Running wasn't as bad as I thought it would be,and Tom is a great coach
"Come on L/n,keep those knees up" Tom called to me
"We aren't all god's ya know" I shout back to him,making Tom laugh. We carry on past the shops and forwards to the Buckets home. But I couldn't see it,which is weird as its the only slanty house around.

I came to a stop where the little house was,but it was gone
"What's the matter?" Tom asks,stopping beside me
"The Bucket home was right here,I was good friends with them" I tell him
"Maybe they moved?" Tom suggested
"Maybe" we carry on running down the road to the big factory. Only I see a familiar boy heading to the factory.

"Charlie" I shout,the boy looks up and sees who called him
"Y/n" Charlie says happily as we stop"Your back"
"Yeah,just moved back recently" I say hugging him"What happened to your home?"
"Oh we moved" Charlie says,taking me by the hand and leading me into the factory, I in turn grab Tom's hand.

On the way Charlie explained how Willy Wonka sent out golden tickets for the factory tour and Charlie won and became heir to the chocolate empire,and the Bucket home was moved into the factory
"You tell me you live here?" I ask shocked
"Yep,just me,my mum and dad. My Grandparents died a few years ago" Charlie says
"Oh,I'm sorry to here that" I say.

We head down a long grey corridor and stop in front of small doors
"Can we hurry this up,my back hurts" Tom says
"Yes alright frost giant" I say emphasis on the giant part,as poor Tom is bent double almost. Charlie opened the door into a sweet heaven
"Oh my god of mischief" I say looking around as we step into the room
"Wow" Tom agrees.

"Hi mum,hi dad" Charlie greets his parents
"Charlie your home early" his mum says greeting her son
"Someone pulled the fire alarm, so we got let out early" Charlie tells her,"Look who I found "
"Is that Y/n?" Mr Bucket asks.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Bucket" I greet them
"We didn't know you where back,dear" Mrs Bucket says
"Got back a few weeks ago" I tell her
"Is this your boyfriend?" Charlie asks
"No this is my best friend, Tom Hiddelston"I say.

Tom introduced himself to Charlie and his parents
"Is that a chocolate river and waterfall?" I ask excited
"Sure is,Mr Wonka is a genius" Charlie tells me
"I bet he is" I say"This place is magnificent"
"Thank you" a new voice adds.

I turn and see a handsome man in a black top hat,red coat and carrying a walking cane full of sweets
"Mr Wonka this is Y/n L/n, a family friend and my godmother" Charlie says,so this is the famous Willy Wonka,oh be still my beating heart.

There will be a part 2.

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