Characters 1(part 4)

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Ever tried to drag your family on a walk with you,hard right well try getting ten guys to go out walking its a nightmare. There are always some who want to go,some who don't,the uninterested and the ones who worry. I had thought it would be nice for the lot of us to go for a group walk,except the guys(most)were not interested in going outside let alone for a walk.

I stood in the living room with Gellert beside me on one side and Jack on the other,the remaining eight guys are sat on the two sofa's
"I don't see why you don't want to go for a walk" I say to them
"It will do your health some good" Gellert adds
"I will come" Barnabas says,standing up
"Thanks Barney"I smile at the vamp "see Barney is willing to come with us"After another ten minutes of arguing,only Tonto agrees to come with us.

Me Gellert,Jack,Barney and Tonto all head to the canal to walk
"Now before we go any further, I will say this only once. No pushing each other into the water" I say mainly to Gellert,who was about to push Jack in the water
"What he's a pirate,he can swim" Gellert defends
"You push him in and you will follow" I say. The five of us have loads of fun to begin with until we get to the woods,were we lost Barnabas
"Okay split up and find him" I say,the four of us went separate ways. I searched for a time until I hear running footsteps, and then see Jack come hurtling towards me
"What's the matter Jack?" I ask
"We found him,love" Jack says.

Jack leads me to where the others are,Barnabas is up a tree
"There is something in the woods" Barnabas tells me
"Yes people and wildlife" I say
"No something different, I have never smelt it before"Barnabas says as he lands on the floor,we hear a twig snap Gellert draws his wand and steps closer to me. Something jumps out from the trees and Gellert fires a spell at it,it crumples to the floor. We slowly make our way over and I see who it is.

"Wolf" I say
"You know him" Gellert asks
"Yes" I say
"Hello little girl" The Wolf said,Gellert kept his wand pointed at him
"Hey Wolf,what are you doing here?" I ask
"Scaring people then eating them" The Wolf says casually
"We talked about this Wolf,you can only scare people but not eat them" I say
"It's only a bit of fun,little one" the Wolf says standing up"Who are they?"
"Tonto,Barnabas Collins,Captain Jack Sparrow and Gellert Grindelwald" I introduced them. The Wolf sniffed at Gellert then smirks
"The blonde's pheromone levels suggests he wants to mate with you" Jack burst out laughing, Tonto and Barnabas glare at him and me and Gellert just stand there feeling slightly awkward and blushing.

"Dude that's an invasion of privacy" I tell the Wolf,recovering from embarrassment
"Oh did I say something wrong?" The Wolf asks
"Just be more mindful of what you say" I tell him,the five of us head back to the house. Once back at the house I head to the kitchen and see Tarrant
"Hello Y/n,so good to see you" Tarrant greets with a warm hug
"Good to see you as well" I say making a cup of tea,we sit and talk about Tarrant's new hat designs.

The door to the kitchen opens and Gellert walks in
"Mr.Wizard I would so love to make you a hat?" Tarrant asks
"No thank you" Gellert says sitting beside me
"Can you make me a Fedora?" I ask Tarrant
"Of course" Tarrant says standing up and leaving the room
"You OK Gellert?" I ask
"Yeah I'm fine" Gellert says"Why?"
"About what the Wolf said earlier it was..." I try
"Its fine really"Gellert reassure me

I stand up and head to the living room,in there is a man in a suit with slicked back brown hair and a moustache
"Charlie" I greet the man
"Y/n,nice to see you again after so long" Charlie says kissing my cheek
"Its good to see you too" I say,the door opens and Gellert walks in. Charlie walks over to Gellert
"That is an excellent moustache" Charlie says excited
"Uh..thanks" Gellert says awkwardly
"Its a fine piece of work" Charlie began to examine Gellert
"Uh Y/n what's going on?" Gellert asks me
"Charlie has a thing for moustache's,except his wife does not" I tell him
"Every Mortdicai man before me has had one" Charlie says
"I keep telling you,you can do so much better than her" I tell Charlie
"Is that an offer?" He asks
"No it is not".

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