Jack Sparrow and Gellert Grindelwald 4.

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A/n this is a Christmas theme.
Early December.
I'm not fond of Christmas, its the same thing every year and it has just gotten boring. I mean when you live alone its pointless celebrating. This time I'm going to make a bit of a effort for my two best friends, and why shouldn't they celebrate, just because I don't like to.Jack loved Christmas, being a big kid and Gellert loved the snow and the Christmas lights.

The three of us made our way out to the shops to gather what we needed for the big day. Jack is getting the decorations,Gellert is getting the entertainment and I am getting the food.We had two hours to get what we needed,then we met back up and headed home.After eating lunch we decorated the tree and living room.

Gellert wanted to do it by magic but I said no, I left the two guys to answer the phone and came back to a argument
"Stop getting in my way" Gellert says to Jack
"You're getting in my way" Jack says back
"I'm the leader so I am in charge"
"I'm the Captain, my rules".

"I leave you alone for a couple of minutes and this is what I come back too" I say,the two men stop there bickering and look at me"This is why I don't like Christmas "
"Sorry love" Jack says
"I'm sorry Y/n" Gellert says
"Just work together" I tell them.After that Jack and Gellert work together in silence,I head up to my room.

Time skip

Sometime later I hear a knock on my bedroom door
"Come in"I call,the door opens and Gellert walks in with Jack following. They sit on my bed
"Why don't you like Christmas?" Jack asks me,I sigh knowing this would come
"Nothing good ever comes from me celebrating,I've been alone for the past five Christmas's" I explained.

"What about family?" Gellert asks
"Either don't live in this country or are dead" I say
"Then let's make this the best Christmas yet".

December 25th.

I awoke on Christmas morning to a quiet home which is strange. I headed into the bathroom and did my morning routine,before heading out my door.I had only gone two feet when I walked into Gellert.

"Merry Christmas G" I say
"Merry Christmas to you my dear" Gellert says,I go to head down the stairs"Aren't you forgetting something? "I look back at the wizard
" No"I say
"Look up" Above my head is a floating mistletoe "You owe me a kiss" Gellert smirks.

"Fine" I walk back to the wizard,when a loud shout is heard from down stairs
"Oi Blondie" the next second Jack comes running up the stairs,but trips up the last three steps.Once he is back in his feet Jack says"You stole my plant"
"You snooze you lose Sparrow" Gellert says,then he pulls me to him and kisses me on the lips.

Jack glares at Gellert once he has let me go.Gellert smiles innocently at him as he heads down stairs
"That git"Jack grumbles
"Something wrong Jack?" I ask
"He stole me idea" Jack pouts
"Do you want a kiss or not?" I ask,Jack nods eagerly as I go and kiss him.

We went downstairs and see Gellert has already started on his presents
"Took you long enough" He says
"You started it" I tell him,me and Jack sit down at the table and start on our own gifts.Once they are done we eat breakfast and then watch the first Christmas movie of the day.

It is early evening when the three of us sit down to eat our Christmas dinner.Jack and Gellert pulled crackers,Jack swaps his tri corn for a red paper crown,Gellert some how has a gold one and I have green.After eating we head back into the living room and finish off our movies with Die Hard.

I sat on the sofa with Gellert beside me,who has his arm around me ams Jack is laying down with his head in my legs.Halfway threw the film Jack fell asleep, so once the film is done I wake him up
"Time for bed Jack" I say,but Jack only clings to me
"Noooo,you stay" Jack says.

"OK but just this once" I say,luckily the sofa pulled out into a bed"Joining us G?"I ask the wizard
"No" he says
"Your loss" Jack says as he pulls me to lay beside him, and wraps his arms around me.Gellert changes his mind and after taking off his coat and boots lays down on the other side of me

"Thank you" I say
"What's for?" Gellert asks
"For helping me to love Christmas again"
"Thats what we are here for love." Jack says
"You better not snore" Gellert says
"I do not" Jack argues
"Just go to sleep" I tell them,these two may be a handful but that's just why I love them.

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