Tarrant Hightopp 2

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I walked slowly and quietly threw the trees,checking my surrounding's every so often. I know he is out there looking for me and if he catches me all hell will break lose. 'I cant let him get me,not this time' i think to my self as I walk. I take a few more careful steps and then stop upon hearing a twig snap. I hold my breath as I duck behind a bush and sure enough the man pursuing me is close to my location. I watch as I see him look around the area for me,hoping to catch me

I'm not going to let that happen this time,I watch as he begins to walk after not seeing me anywhere and let out a breath. I slowly stand back up and walk off in a different direction to where he had gone. However I forgot that the path I have taken links back up to the one he took. I quickened my pace to try and get to the safe zone,then he can't get me.

I'm to busy hurrying towards the safe zone that I forgot to check my surrounding's. And I never saw him sneaking up behind me,I emerged from the trees and saw the safe zone not more than a hundred feet away. Before I can take another step forward, he catches me
"Got you my little tea cup"
"Oh Tarrant you always get me" I pout,as I turn to face my best friend Tarrant Hightopp.

"We can play again if you would like Y/n" Tarrant suggests
"Maybe later" I tell him,the two of us begin to walk to the safe zone which is just Tarrant's tea party table
"Then let's have some tea" Tarrant says leading me to the table. We sit down at the table and Tarrant pours both of us tea,strangely there is no Mally or Thackery with us.

"Hey Tar,where's Mally and Thackeray?" I ask
"Oh...I'm not sure I know" Tarrant says lisping a bit
"I think you do" I tease him
"I wanted to be alone with you" Tarrant mumbles,but I hear him
"Why?" I ask him,Tarrant opens his mouth to answer but closed it again
"Have some more tea" he says instead.

"I haven't finished the cup I have" I tell him
"Oh...then...have some cake" Tarrant says
"Are you hiding something from me" I ask the hat maker
"Actually Y/n,I am" Tarrant admits
"Can I ask what it is?" I ask him
"I'm not sure I should tell you" Tarrant admits.

I place a hand on top of his
"You can tell me anything you wish to" I reassure him,Tarrant takes both my hands into his larger ones and looks me in the eyes,and I notice his eyes are turning a pink colour"Tar your eyes,there pink"
"It happens around you Y/n" Tarrant says
"How come?" I ask curious.

"I love you,that's why" Tarrant admits
"You love me" I ask shocked, Tarrant nods"Why wouldn't you want to tell me this?"
"I was scared you would not love me back" Tarrant admits sadly
"Oh Tarrant your to adorable to not love" I tell him.

"Then you love me too" Tarrant asks
"I do Tarrant,I love you" I tell him,this makes him happy. Tarrant stands up and pulls me to my feet as well,he then pulls me into a warm hug. I breath in his lovey sent of fresh tea leaves and sugar
"Promise you won't ever leave me?" I hear Tarrant say
"I will stay with you until the end of time"

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