Gellert Grindelwald 7 part 4.

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The rest of the day I spend calming my self down and telling my self that this is my chance to be happy and Gellert is going to keep fighting for me,he is a one of a kind man. I stood looking at my reflection in the mirror and I hardly recognized my self. I am wearing a beautiful floor length F/c dress,with matching necklace and bracelet. The jewelry is from Gellert,he had it made for me.

I am unsure how this evening is going to go,would everyone believe that I am Gellert Grindelwald's bride to be and not my sister. I knew my family would try to fight the humiliation of lying, but Gellert has told me that he has something that will disapprove there lies and show all that he is going to marry me and not S/n. With one final look,I make my way to the door. The dress isn't to restricting and Gellert said we can leave any time,it is his ball after all.

I walked out of the upstairs room,closing the door behind me. I walked over to the window and saw loads of people arriving at the house. Albus had said to expect loads of guests,some wanted to see if the rumor is true,others wanted Gellert for there daughter and most come to suck up to Gellert
"What is a pretty little thing like you, doing all alone?" I turn at the sound of a voice and see a young man.

"How about I keep you company?" The man says creepily coming over to me
"If you lay one finger on my woman boy,I will throw you down these stairs" a new deeper voice says. I am relieved to hear Gellert. The young man turns to Gellert
"You wouldn't dare,I'm a duke?"
"Try me?" Gellert says,glaring down at the boy. Deciding against being thrown, the man hurries off.

"Really Gellert,throwing someone?" I say to him
"Why not?" Gellert defends
"Kick them,it is easier" I say,Gellert laughs at my suggestion and offers me a arm "Shall we my dear?"
"Yes we shall" I say,taking the offered arm and we walk down the stairs. I start to get nervous as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

Gellert noticed my hesitation, stopped walking and turning to face me
"I can sense your hesitation my dear,fear not for you will be the most beautiful woman here"
"I just don't want to be judged" I say
"I will not let them,and if they do..." Gellert says
"You'll what,kick them down the stairs?" I say.

"If I have to then yes" Gellert says,he wraps his arms around me in a gentle hug"Once we have proved to everyone,that I am marrying you we shall leave and if you would like go and cuddle up together reading? "
"I would like that very much, Gellert" I say,I broke the hug to reach up and kiss him on the lips. We enjoy each others mouths,until we hear someone clear there throat.

We pull apart to see Albus
"What is it with you and interrupting us?" Gellert asks
"Sorry,but your guests are asking where you are" Albus says,Gellert re takes me arm and we follow Albus into the ballroom. I see how crowded the room is,the moment we entered people look at us and whisper to each other.

I look around the room but I don't see my family anywhere, we stop towards the other end of the ballroom. I can feel loads of pairs of eyes looking at me,I knew they where judging me,but I ignore them telling myself that Gellert is doing this for us and our future and to shut up my parents. Albus has left us and disappeared into the crowd.

Gellert let's go of my arm and takes my hand instead,I take a drink from a passing waiter,but regret it as the drink isn't nice
"Yucky" I grimace, Gellert laughs at my reaction
"What's that matter Darling?" Gellert asks
"What is that?" I ask
"Champagne, my dear" Gellert tells me
"Where is the whiskey?"

Gellert looks at me shocked
"What,I like whisky- blame Albus" I say
"Blame me for what?" Albus asks rejoining us
"You are to blame for me liking whisky" I remind him
"Ah...yes...that is my bad" Albus admits
"Care to explain why?" Gellert asks.

"Well me and Y/n really drunk for her 18th birthday... And Y/n well.." Albus begins
"I drank a whole bottle of expensive whisky, Albus got into so much trouble from his dad" I say
"It was my first time ever being in trouble" Albus adds. Me and Gellert burst out laughing at that,unfortunately the happy mood dies as I see my parents coming over to us.

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