Willy Wonka 3 part 2.

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A/n sorry if this isn't as good as part 1.

I found my self staring at Willy Wonka,'Gosh he sure is attractive' I think
"Would you care for a tour,Miss L/n?" Willy asks,Tom nudges me slightly to speak
"Er...I...sure"I manage to stutter out
"Wonderful, we can start here for now,but to see the rest you need a full day" Willy says

"Coming Thomas?" I ask the tall man
"No thank you,I don't want to third wheel" Tom says
"You won't be" I say
"Don't worry Y/n,I'll show Tom around" Charlie says,I nod. I follow after Mr Wonka as he leads us over to the chocolate river
"I thought we should start here,as you like this so much" Willy says to me.

"Thank you Mr Wonka" I say
"Please call me Willy" The chocolate king smiles
"Okay Willy,you can call me Y/n" I say,I stand and listen to Willy as he explained about the chocolate river and waterfall, and how a special pipe moves chocolate around his factory every hour
"Yours must be the only factory in the whole world to do this" I say.

"I'm very proud of that fact" Willy tells me as we move on,I hadn't realised that we where being followed by two nosey boys. Willy showed me everything the room has to offer,from the edible grass to the big pumpkins and the candy apple tree,its all so amazing. I even got to meet the workers to and there friendly.

After walking around me and Willy sit on a bench that is out of the way of everything
"I have to say Willy this place is truly magnificent and I've only seen one room so far"I tell him
"Thank you starshine" Willy says,"That Tom is he your husband, boyfriend... "
"Tom is my childhood best friend" I tell Willy.

"Also your moodpops are really nice" I say
"How do you know about those?" Willy asks me curiously
"My job is a products tester,when new produce comes out I get it first and I taste your sweets and chocolate" I explain
"Ah yes I remember reading your reviews, your opinion has helped me a lot" Willy tells me.

"Really,well your welcome" I say,we sit and sort of stare at each other,not knowing what to say next until we are interrupted by a naughty god
"Sorry to interrupt you,but we do have a run to finish" I brake my gaze from Willy's purple eyes and look up at Tom
"Must we?" I pout
"Yes" Tom says, I groan and stand up.

"It was lovely to met you Willy,I can't wait to see the rest of the factory" I tell him
"How about tomorrow?" Willy asks
"How about it Dad,can I go out tomorrow?" I ask Tom playfully
"If you do all your homework and eat all your veg" Tom says playing along
"Deal" I giggle. Willy leads us back to the front of the factory
"I will see you tomorrow Willy" I say and kiss his cheek before following after Tom.

Willy's P.O.V

I watch as Y/n and her friend disappear from my view, but I don't turn my gaze away. I put a gloved hand to the place she kissed and I couldn't help but smile to my self.

"Wow"I say quietly
"Mr Wonka" I hear Charlie call me,I walk back inside in a sort of daze. This has never happened to me before. "Mr Wonka,are you okay" Charlie asks now beside me
"Hmm...I'm fine" I say,still dazed. I couldn't get the beautiful woman off my mind,'there is so much to do before Y/n returns' I think hurrying off.

No ones P.O.V

Charlie watched as Willy hurries off somewhere to do something, he wanders back to the candy room and back to his home
"Y/n and Tom have left" Charlie tells his parents
"Y/n has became quite the beauty over the years" Mr Bucket says.

"Mr Wonka thinks so too" Charlie says,his parents look at him in shock
"How can you tell?" Mrs Bucket asks
"His behavior changed around Y/n,and she even kissed his cheek and he was blushing a bright red" Charlie explained
"But does Y/n like him though?"

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