chapter 63

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Calum's POV:

I haven't been able to get a chance to actually talk to Viv in a while. Its getting hard and I'm not sure how she's doing. I have been getting to work and school I hardly go to practice anymore.

But I'm going to surprise visit her soon. Not sure when but I'm gonna stay there all week. I'm going to ask for a vacation and I can do that.

Viviana's POV:

I have school in a few minutes, Ed should be picking me up. Ed and Zayn are really cool guys. I met Zayn's girlfriend last week, Perrie.

She's a really cool and genuine person. She kind of reminds me of Madz. Speeking of Madz, I've been trying to get a hold of her but when I do she doesn't try to sleep the conversation going or she makes up an excuse to end the conversation.

I barely get to talk to Cal in the past month, if I do its a good morning of goodnight text. We talk for a few minutes and hang up. I don't know.

I heard doorbell ring so I quickly grabbed my bag and keys. I opened the door to find the red headed, blue eyed boy and hugged him. "Hey you look nice!" He complimented, like every other day.

"Thank you! You do to. " he was wearing a flannel with a white t-shirt under. Dark jeans and white converse.

When I got in the car, Zayn and Perrie were in the back seat so I took the front seat.

"Hey guys!" I smiled at them, earning a smile from Zayn and a" hey!" From Perrie.

We drove down to school and headed off to class. None of us have the same first period so we just meet up for lunch.

I've really been trying to get better.. for Cal, but it's so hard. I eat a bit but end up working it all off.

I'm not sure, But I can do it. I can do it for Cal. For me.

I sat in my first period and watched the professor write on the board. I tapped my toe on the tile flooring.

After class, I waited for Ed to pick me up from this class. We walk to our second period together from here because it's on his way over anyway.

"Did you do the homework? " I nodded. We had to get different shots of a tree, not sure what it's gonna do but I did it.

"Of course." I nodded once gripping onto my English book.

"Me to" Ed opened the door for me, I quickly thanked him and got inside. We took our seats we claimed in the back of the class over the month.

"Pass up your work."  Our professor spoke. I quickly pulled out the roll out of my back pack and handed it forward.

"This class is so boring what the hell." Ed leaned back on his chair. I noticed his stubble under his chin.

"I know." I sighed and wrote down the noted I needed to remember.

After class, we walked over to where we are supposed to meet Perrie and Zayn." Hey. What do you guys want to eat?" Zayn spoke.

Perrie shrugged, looking over at me. I'm not too hungry right now. I think I'm gonna pass. No. Ugh.

"I want a salad." I spoke. Its good. I'll work out after.

Ed nodded. "Rabbit food it is." He nudged me and chuckled. We walked over to the car and I climbed in the back seat with Perrie.

I liked her outfit, she was wearing ripped white skinny jeans with a tie dye muscle tee. Converse tied n her feet.

We got to the sandwich place, I bought my salad and they ordered sandwiches. We ate and talked for a while.

When we noticed the time, we quickly got to the car and drove back to school.

After my last three classes, I had to get home and get ready for work. Ed drove me home, even though it's not too far.

When I got to work, I greeted Liz and got behind the cash register. I've been avoiding Liz,  I don't want a pep talk about eating. I know all of it.

The day was slow, I'm tired. I just want to get home and call Calum. I watched Liz eye me from across the shop.

I couldn't help but feel small. She's not intimidating, that's the last this she is, but I feel bad for everything because of the way she's looking at me.

After work, I quickly got out the door before Liz could tell me anything. I got home and kicked my shoes off.

I noticed the chips on top of the refrigerator and looked away. I grabbed a bag of Sun chips.

I grabbed my journal and wrote down the Calories I read on the back of the bag. I didn't finish it.

I decided I wanted to write Cal a letter about everything. What's become of me. Why I let it happen. I feel like a text won't cut it.

I wasn't sure what to write at first but once I started, I couldn't stop. It just poured out of me.

"I'm trying so hard Calum. It's not as easy as it seems. I've gotten so bad... "

By the end of the letter, I was in tears, the paper had my tear stains all over it. I folded the letter and put it in a random page in the back of my journal. I hid the journal under my bed and got ready for bed.

* goodnight I love you so much.*

I text him a quick text and let sleep take me under.


(Hey guys. Uh I'm sorry for not updating in the past week. Stuff is happening at home and just I've been lazy to type. Anyways we only have two chapters after this. What do you guys think is gonna happen?!? Comment!)


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