chapter 54

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Viviana's POV:

Today is the day Calum gets here. He worked today so we aren't doing anything big. I just took some stuff out so I could make him dinner. He's taking the bullet train here so I have to get down to the train station.

I drove down in my black skinny jeans, his green flannel, and my white crocs I slipped on.

I waited at the station for a half hour, listening to music until I heard his stop be called over the loud speakers.

I waited, watching all of the people spill out of the train. I didn't see him, just random faces.

I turned around and searched but I didn't find him. I looked back and found the giant holding his bag like a child. He had blonde littering his hair now.

I walked over to him and I noticed him spot me because he started jogging over to me. "Viv!" He hugged me tightly as I shoved my face into his chest.

"I missed you. " I looked up at him and he slowly leaned into my face. He chuckled and kissed my lips softly.

His scent was filling my nostrils as I squeezed him harder. "Who did your hair? It looks like a five year olds work." I chuckled.

"Micheal did it." I chuckled.

"Lets go." I pulled on his hand and he dragged his luggage behind him.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" He asked as we got inside the car. I drove out of the parking lot and straight home.

"We can do whatever you want. I'm making you dinner right now. " I smiled over at him and then centered my attention back at the road.

"Oh good I'm starving. " I chuckled.

"When aren't you?" I giggled and turned on the light.

"Whatever. Say what you want." He gripped my thigh, a habit he has.

"Here we are." I smiled as we pulled into the parking lot. He got his luggage from the back seat and we walked inside.

"Its nice." He looked around. "I like it." He turned to me and walked towards the room.

"You can just put your stuff in the corner." He nods and put the black bag next to the drawer.

"So what's for dinner?" He gripped my waist.

"I'm making you drumsticks with some oven baked potatoes and rice." I smiled at him.

"Ooh." I laughed and walked back into the kitchen and started peeling the potatoes, cutting them up after.

I threw the seasoned drumsticks on a pan with the potatoes and put them in the oven while the rice was cooking.

I watched Calum play with the pictures I had of us from freshman year up on the wall. "I remember taking this." I chuckled and walked over to him.

"Yeah me too." I leaned my head on his arm.

"I've missed you a lot. So have the guys." I smiled and looked up at him.

"I miss them too." I gripped onto his waist and kissed his lips.

We watched Skins on Netflix while we waited for the food to finish. After I heard the rice run out of water, I took the chicken and potatoes out of the oven. I served Calum a plate and a drink.

"Its ready." I called him into the kitchen.

"You aren't eating?" He looked down at the food with a scowl. I know what he's thinking.

"I already ate earlier. " I lied. I haven't eaten a thing in almost three day. I've already dropped two sizes down in jeans and I'm so proud of myself. I just need two more sizes to go.

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