chapter 51

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Viviana's POV:

When I woke up, it was still early, for me anyways. I took a quick shower and brushes my teeth.

I did my make up nicely for the first time in weeks. I threw on a grey long sleeve and some light washes skinny jeans. I tied on my maroon creepers and sat in my bed, waiting for my hair to dry.

The purple looked near plum when it's wet. I brushed through it, I think I'm gonna leave it like this. It's cooperating today.

I text him. We were going shopping for some new clothes for me. I want a good wardrobe for my new closet.

He also said something about a drive in movie but that's not until later tonight. It was only 1:27.

When Calum arrived I told my mom I was leaving. I walked out and watched his smile grow on his face as I neared him.

"So we're going to the mall right? " I nodded and buckled up.

When we got to the mall his hand laced in mine and we walked toward urbanoutfitfers. I went to walk towards the clothing section but he pulled me the other way.

"What?" I looked over to what he was looking at. The mugs.

"Look how sick these look!" He was way too excited over mugs. I chuckled.

"Come on." We walked over to the clothes. I looked through the hangers, noticing and picking up the shirts I liked. I had a hundred dollar budget my dad gave me.

"Get this one." He held up a sparkly shirt. How does he even find this.

"God no." I shook my head and put it into the rack. I heard him chuckle.

"Lets go I need to look at more stores. " we went to check out the six shirts I got. They were having a small sale.

When We walked into wet seal, I didn't really find anything I wanted so we left quickly.

I needed to go to forever 21. I need some more tights and socks. "What are these?" Calum was holding up a funky looking necklace.

"Come on." I chuckled. I ended up getting two pairs of jeans, two packs of socks, and three new pairs of tights.

I needed to go to one more store but I really didn't want to take him because he will be really immature.

"I have to go into Victoria secret." A smirk tugged at his lips. "Without you." He furrowed his brows, causing me to giggle.

"Why without me. I'll behave." I sighed and pulled him in. "What do you need from here?" He looked around.

"Some underwear and bras." I shrugged. I looked through the black underwear.

"Get these." He picked up a red laced thong. I laughed and made it put it down. "Hey where's the one I got you on Christmas? " I chuckled at the thought of it.

"Home. " I shrugged.

"How come you haven't wore them for me?" A smirk tugged on his lip.

"Calum!" I laughed. "Shut up." I shook my head and grabbed the black underwear, along with the white ones.

I need new bras the ones I have are getting old. I got two white ones and a grey one that had some black lacing on it. I thought it was cute.

"Wait get this one!" He held up a brallet up. It was pink and it had nothing to cover up. I brushed slightly at the thought of it.

"No." I laughed and put it back. God he's like a five year old.

After getting what I needed we went into hot topic where he got a few new band t-shirts. T-shirts I'd be taking.

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