It Ended With Goodbye

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Viviana's POV:

I sat in my room bawling my eyes out because of the fact that I over ate. I felt my heart beat quicken and I was breathing very heavily.

My mirror was right across from my bed. I looked like a monster. A fat, disgusting monster.

I noticed how my make up ran down my face. The way my cheek bones perked up, even when I didn't smile. My collar bones perfectly visible.

The girl I was last year would have admired this version of me. But for me, as I am now. It's not enough. I still can't wrap my hands around my thighs.

I noticed that I was now in front of the mirror. My mind must have went blank.

I wiped at the tear quickly in anger. "I hate you." I spat at my reflection. "I fucking hate you!" I let my head fall to my hands and I sat there for a bit. I'm not sure how long but I had to get up and walk around because my breathing was getting worse.

I walked over to the bathroom and grabbed the tooth brush once more. I went through the process of wetting the bristles, brushing the back of my tongue, and gagging but the more I tried, nothing happened.

I tugged at my hair and gripped my phone. I went through the contacts to see who I could call and have them calm me down. I found my finger tracing the call button over Madz number. I quickly pressed it and heard the phone ring.

After the first three rings, it went straight to voicemail. "Hey! This is Madz. I'm kinda busy right now so just call back later. Bye!" Her voice cheered through the speaker.

"Hey. Um I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I'm just. So sorry for everyth-" I choked up and wiped at my eyes.

A tear spilled over my eye lid and onto my cellphone as I hung up. I wiped it away and called the next personify our think of. Cal.

The line just rang and rang until it went to voicemail. I couldn't help but feel as if he's avoiding me. My hands trembled as I paces the bathroom. My bare feet padding on the white tiles.

"Fuck!" I yelled as it threw my phone. It instantly shattered as it hit the wall. I slid against the wall and sat there holding my knees.

I then remembered the pills I took from my mom. The ones for my anxiety. I got up quickly and searched for the orange bottle. I threw everything out of the drawer and soon found myself gripping the bottle.

I tried opening the lid but I was so shaken up, I got it open, it soon fell onto the floor, spilling the contents. The benzodiazepines scattered on the floor. I picked two up and set them on my tongue, swallowing them dry.

I waited for a few minutes but nothing was happening. It wasn't helping. I picked two more up off the floor and swallowed them.

I waited. Nothing. I picked up another. Then the seventh, eighth, until I lost count.

Calum's POV:

I'm so excited for the morning. I'm going to drive over to Viviana's house for a week. I have all my things packed and I can't explain how much I miss her.

She is going so much better with eating and I just feel like I have my Viv back.

I got off of work an hour ago and it's now about 11:30 ish. I was watching tv with ash until he decided to go to sleep. So now I'm here alone.

I found myself dozing off what hung family guy.


I sat in the train, waiting for my stop. My music blasted through my ear buds as I leaned my head against the window. The weather looks nice today. I wonder what she has planned for us.

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