chapter 9

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(hey guys so I'm gonna update because its only 10:55 and I'm tired so hey why not end the night with updating my books! lol okay chapter 9)

Viv's POV:

I brushed my hair out of its naps and walked downstairs to find my dad. I need to tell him about my date today with Calum. I don't know exactly how this will go but I don't want to hide this from him forever.

I walked down the flight of stairs to find him reading the morning paper at the table. Good thing he was alone because if not I'd have to ask for him to meet me outside.

"hey dad." I walked up to him slowly and sat beside him. He set his paper down and looked at me questioningly.

"hey daughter." I awkwardly giggled.

"how are you?" I eased myself into conversation but it wasn't cutting it for my dad.

"what do you want?" he laughed as I took in an over exaggerated gasp.

"um I wanted to let you know. that I'm going on a date." I spoke quickly and avoided eye contact.

"wait say that again." his tone has grew very serious is the past minute.

"I'm going on a date..." I cleared my throat.

"what happened to my baby the one who thought boys had cooties." I giggled and hugged him.

"she's growing up." I smiled.

"fine. but I have to meet him and I'm not happy about this." he furrowed his eyebrows as I ran upstairs squealing. 

I decided to curl my hair and do my make up. I don't wear makeup and when I do its rare. I only wear mascara. I had eyeliner on and natural colors on my eyelids. My mascara was a few shades darker than normal and my cheeks were a rosy pink.

I threw on my floral dress and paired it with my black creepers. I added ruffled socks so they'd look girlier.

My dad really likes when I wear these because they're really punk. He loves the same type of music I love and I have a very close bond with him. I'm also the only girl out of the three.

I added a thin cardigan just invade it was cold. I grabbed my small purse and headed downstairs.

My dad was in the living room and I felt a small tingle in my stomach. I walked up to him and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"what the heck!?" he stood up and I felt a bit startled. "who is the lucky boy who gets my gorgeous daughter?" he wrapped his arms around me.

"he should be here a-" the door bell rang and I walked over to the door. "hey!" I smiled and hugged him.

He was wearing a black leather jacket with a white T-shirt under. He had dark blue jeans on, they weren't tight either. His hair was jelled down and he smelled like axe.

"hey. " he pulled out flowers from behind his back and handed them to me.

"awe thanks Cal." I sniffed them as his eyes led mine to my dads presence.

"hi sir. I'm Calum. Calum Hood. " he held his hand out for my dad to shake it.

My fathers eyebrows went up in a pleased action and took his hand. "take care of my daughter. " he spoke quietly.

"I will sir. thank you." he grinned as we walked out the door.

"bye dad love you." I called out as he stood at the door.


"love you to sweety and I want you back before nine o'clock." he shouted as we turned the corner of the brick wall.

"you look gorgeous." he whispered and took my hand. I like this Cal.

"thanks you don't look bad yourself." I giggled and looked down at the ground. "so where are we going?" I asked, my hand still in his as we swung them back and forth.

"to my favoritest place." he smiled as we turned another corner. "and now I need you to put this on." he pulled a red bandana from his pocket.

"okay." I let him tie the fabric around my head. "I swear if you make me bump into something I'm gonna kill you." I laughed and clung to his arm.

"I won't come on." I felt his body walk forward so I followed. "watch out there's a hole." I stopped in my tracks, not wanting to fall.

"where?!" I panicked.

"right there here." he pulled me around the hole and all I could see was black. " okay take it off." we stopped and I pulled off the red bandana off of my head.

"oh my god." I gaped around the gorgeous sight. "did you do this?" I smiled up at him.

"yeah I like to come out here when I have a bad day." he smiled.

There was a wooden bench with a picnic basket resting on top of the white cloth.

Christmas lights cascaded around the small area. There was a brick wall right behind the bench where everything was plugged in and the green grass was over grown.

There was a lake a few feet away from the bench. It was absolutely gorgeous.

"this is crazy. " I smiled and pulled him toward the seats.

"yeah well I had to come out here to put up the lights and cloth and food. but everything else is always here. Except for that lake it just appeared." I giggled at his joke.

"thank you." I smiled as we sat down.

"here's the food." he pulled out small plastic containers and two plates.

He was very prepared. He made white rice with grilled fish, a salad, and made fresh orange juice.

"you didn't make this." I giggled.

"yeah. I did!" he lightly chuckled. "my mom helped me make the orange juice. oh by the way. my mom kinda wants me to take you over there after." I almost spit out my drink.

"what if she doesn't like me oh my god. Calum!" I slapped at his arm as he giggled.

"she's gonna love you." he smiled and reached for my hand. "now come on loser I have another surprise. "

He pulled me up and walked over by the lake. In the sand was words. The words read " Be My Girlfriend?" and in front of the question was two rocks.

One being a small pebble that said "yes." and a boulder that read "no."

I chuckled and turned around but he was at least ten feet away now. "you have to bring me your answer." he slightly shouted and I went to pick up the large boulder. I playfully chuckled and picked up the small pebble and walked over to the boy.

"yes?" he questioned as I set the rock in his hand.

"yes." I nodded as a smile grew on his face.

"wait I just want to let you know what you're getting yourself into before you actually say your answer and-" I cut him off by pulling his head down to me and softly kissed his lips.

I pulled away, taking his bottom lip with me. "I said yes." I chuckled as his cheeks went pink.

"come on my moms waiting." I giggled as we walked down the street.


(I gave myself feels fuck man. Viviana I'm gunna die.)


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