chapter 61

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Viviana's POV:

I woke up and made Cal coffee. I want him to know what it'd be like if we lived together. I don't know. I just had the idea.

"Cal." I set the coffee down and climbed on top of him. "Calum!" I kissed his forehead and jumped up and down.

"Okay Okay I'm up." He chuckled and kissed my lips. "Good morning princess. " I grabbed the coffee and handed it to him.

"Good morning. " he smiled and sat up. I was set on his lap, straddling his legs.

"What's this?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"This is what it'd be like if we lived together." I smirked and climbed off.

"Awe. I could get used to this." He got up and threw on some sweats I had on the floor. I watched him get his things together and into the suitcase.

"I woke up late." I looked over at the clock that read 6:32.

"Yeah. " I nodded and Slipped my crocs on. "Hurry." I chuckled as he threw his shirt on backwards, noticing and switching it around.

"Okay let's go." He nodded and we walked out to the car. We stopped at the first red light.

His hand intertwined with mine. I looked down at our hands and smiled up at him. "Bet I'll beet you at thumb wrestling. " he. Spoke with a smirk.

"No." I chuckled but he already started playing. I laughed as the red light turned green.

"Shit!" We laughed as I beet him. We got to the train station and grabbed his things.

"Okay. I'll see you soon. Don't miss me too much." I told him as he hugged me.

"Okay. I'm not promising anything." I smiled and kissed his lips. "I love you."

"I love you more." I kissed his cheek.

"I love you more more." He kissed my forehead.

"You're so gay." I smiled and kissed his lips. "Okay go I'll call you soon." He nodded and got onto the train.

I drove home and got ready for work. Today is going to be long.


Calum's POV:

I haven't been talking to Viv since I visited last week. I've just had so much work and school starts up tomorrow for me. Its just getting really hard and difficult.

Viviana's POV:

I have been trying to get better, not for myself but for Calum. Its hard. I eat, but when I do, its too little and even then I work it all off.

After work Today, I have to go buy some new jeans and shoes for school, along with school supplies.

School starts in two days and I'm actually not excited at all. My work schedule is now fixed for my school schedule. I get one day to myself and its on a Sunday, the day Cal works.

This is just so hard and school isn't helping.

After work, I get to my car, put my apron in the car, and went into forever 21.

I looked around, searching for anything I wanted really. I did have a budget but I had enough.

I ended up buying three jeans, a few tops, and a pair of boots. I bought new creepers a few weeks ago so I don't think I need another pair.

after getting things from Forever, I got a few more things from tilly's and drove to target.

I bought a few notebooks, pencils, binders, and a few more things. I might have exaggerated on the school supplies.

When I got home, I exercised and fell asleep to watching skins.


(Short ass chapter omg. Okay I'm gonna update in literally thirty- 1 hour okay see you guys)


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