chapter 23

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Calum's POV:

"I've missed you." the words fell from my lips as I placed my hand on her shoulder. She jumped a bit and leaned over to at Luke.

I pressed my lips to form a line and my brows furrowed in thought. What's wrong with me.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. Her eyes looks broken, even more than I had just seen. I hate the fact that I'm the reason why they're so dull.

"No um. I'm sorry. Hey Uh I'm gonna go. see you around." she blinked furiously and gave Luke's shoulder a squeeze.

"WAIT where are you goin?" I gripped her wrist. She looked up at me and it felt like the way she used to look at me. But this time her eyes were vile and laced with sorrow.

"Calum please." she shut her eyes and a single tear streamed down her cheek. The way it did the last time I spoke to her.

"No. where are you going?" I shook my head.

"I need to go to- "

"hey Cal." a feminine voice was heard behind me and Viv's eyes flicked back and forth.

"Cydney. " I smiled and kissed her cheek. Viviana slipped her hand away and walked away. I didn't get the chance to chase her because Cydney pulled me.

"who was that?" venom laced in her voice.

"an old friend." it hurt so bad to say those hatred words. it hurt my heart and every muscle in my body. I need water.

Viviana's POV:

"Calum please. " I tried so hard not to let that tear slip but it was hard.

"no where are you going? "

"Calum!" She was so gorgeous. He smile was bright and her makeup was jaw dropping. This is her I know i-

He leaned in to kiss her cheek and that's when I couldn't do it anymore. I walked away and hurried to the bathroom. I sat in the stall again for a good half hour and decided to walk to my car, or my mom's car if you want to get techy.

I sat there with my hands in my palms and knees to my chest. My lilac hair rest on my shoulders and the smiths played softly.

For a moment everything was blocked out and I couldn't tell what was going on. I felt someone's presence beside me and when I looked up It was his face.

"open it." he mouthed.

I shook my head slowly and locked the doors. He furrowed his eye brows and walked around the car, onto the passenger side.

I unlocked the door and crossed my arms over my chest. I pressed my lips into a line. I wasn't going to talk.

He said there with a determined face. It was silent before speaking.

"what's wrong?" he spoke. I furrowed my eye brows. "Are you gonna talk to me." he placed his hand on my knee and I quickly moved away from him. "please talk to me." he pleaded.

"what's wrong? What wrong!" I raised my voice. I've finally cracked. "everythings wrong. it's all wrong." I whisper the last part.

"what do you mean?" he turned and looked at me.

"nothing." I sighed and let my face fall back into my hands. it felt more secure.

"talk to me. I miss your voice. " his hand was back on my knee. I pushed it off once more.

"where's your girl friend." I can't believe that came out of my mouth.

"is that what this is about?" he placed his finger at my chin. "I hope you know that I still care about you. Cydney is a great girl but I'd choose you over her any day." He looked into my eyes and I felt as if my heart was melting.

"where is she?" I looked away for a second but when I looked back His lips were on mind and I had no idea what to do.

My body reacted before my mind did and all. I know is that it's been so long.


(short chapter gn.)


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