chapter 12

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Viviana's POV:

I woke up with the weirdest dream in my mind. I dreamt that Cal came over and slept in my bed...weird right.

I sighed and rolled out of bed, taking my phone along with me. I checked my text messages from Calum.

*I miss you already.* ~4:15~

I furrowed my eyebrows in thought. Maybe it wasn't a dream? That's weird.

I smiled and walked into my bathroom. I washed my faced and brushed my teeth. I braided my hair into a fish tale braid and walked downstairs in my pink shorts and black t-shirt.

"hey dad." I smiled and sat down next to him on the couch. "how are you?" I smiled cheekily and hugged him.

"what has this boy done to you?" we had a quick laugh, before ny growling stomach interrupted...or should I say erupted.

"im hungry." I giggled and poured myself a bowl of cereal.

After breakfast I changed into my jeans and slipped my converse on. "dad om going to cals is that okay?"

"Yeah it's fine don't be back too late." he nodded with a straight face. I smiled and walked out.

*on my way*

I text him and walked over. After a few minutes I was at his front door and the door slowly opening.

"hey." I smiled and made an awkward face.

"hey loser come on I have a surprise for you." I smiled and followed him.

"what is it?" we walked upstairs with his hand shielding my eyes.

"that's why it's called a surprise om not telling." he laughed against me and I could feel someone ahead of me.

"who's in front of me?" I felt as if someone was right in front of my face.

"okay open your eyes. " he moved his hand and right in front of me was a puppy.

"oh my God!!" I squealed and grabbed the puppy that Luke was holding. "what's her name?" I asked while rubbing her tummy.

"that's what I was waiting for." he smiled and sat next to me on the bed.

"awe okay um..." I have never named a living thing before. This is cool.

"What about-"

" No Lucas. She's naming it. " he cut Luke off and turned over to me.

"let's name her effy. " I smiled. I don't know why I chose that name I just thought it was cute.

"okay." he grinned and called the Doberman. "my two favorite girls. " I smiled and leaned into him.

"what about me?" Luke pouted.

"fuck you" Cal said bluntly and I couldn't tell if he was holding or not.

"wow." Luke gasped and looked as hurt as possible. Only to brake a smile.

"what'd you guys wanna do today?" Cal asked as we walked downstairs.

"let's go to the park." Luke asked.

"what the fuck are we going to do at the park?" Calum asked.

"I have plants?" I giggled.

"let's go. " we headed over to the Woodward and hopped the fence to a hideout they new about.

"over here come on." we followed Luke and ended up finding a small areas behind the park.

"pull it out. "


(I know very short chapter sorry. I'll update tm so that yeah sorry and hey this book has almost 100 reads yay)


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