chapter 47

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Viviana's POV:

Prom was soon and I agreed to go. I am more than positive he is trying to go because he thinks I want to go but I'm not going to risk hurting his feelings on telling him I don't want to go.

Calum wanted to go and get my dress and his tux today after school. I was in gym, well supposed to be. I didn't feel like going so I sat in the bathroom most of the time.

Once I heard the bell I was gone out of the stall and to my class before lunch. It went quick. The teacher didn't talk much, it was Friday, which means catch up.

I didn't have to catch up with much so I just sat and read my book.

After class I got to the lunch table, greeting the guys and Madz. I didn't grab lunch today because I don't end up eating it anyways.

"Babe." Calum whispered, trying to get my attention.

"Yeah." I turned to him. His eyes were squinted at me.

"Why didn't you get food?" He asked me. "You okay?" He is always worrying about me damn it.

"I'm fine. My stomach hurts. " I cut the sentence short. I don't like lying to him.

"That's because you haven't eaten. " he scowls at me.

"I ate breakfast." Another lie.

"Okay." He shrugged the conversation off and we talked for the rest of lunch. Class went by quick.

I looked through the dresses not being able to find anything that caught my eye. "Babe." Calum called me. I turned around to mind him holding up a nice tux.

"Nice." I smiled. "Go try it on." I pushed him into the dressing room. I was close to giving up on this dress thing, the whole prom thing period. I can't find the dress or any idea as to what I'm going to wear. I turned around but a maroon dress was sitting on a chair right in front of me.

The dress was velvet. I walked towards it but it was too small. The back was cut open forming in a' x' starting on the shoulder blades down to the lower back.

I went up to the front desk and asked if she had any larger sizes. She nodded and walked towards the back. "What size?" She turned to me.

"Size three." I cringed at my size. I don't like it. It's not where I want it, nor where I need it.

She handed me the dress and I walked into the dressing room. I shut the door and started removing my clothes.

I slipped the straps over my shoulders, and tried zipping up the zipper. It fit too small. I couldn't get it over half the zipper.

I looked in the mirror and watched as my eyes reddened, liquid forming on my eyelids, ready to spill any second now.

I sat and waited for the red and puffiness to go down and quickly got my clothes on.

I walked over to the desk and asked for a larger size.

She checked the size and shook her head. "I gave you the wrong size dear. I gave you a size one instead of a three." I sighed in relief. Not because I'm not the size but because I was ready to get home and cry.

I took the dress to the dressing room and it slipped right back up. I zipped it and looked in the mirror. I smiled at the dress. I knew exactly what I was wearing.

I took it off. I didn't want Calum to see t yet. I put my clothes back on once more and got out. "I found the dress. " I smiled and hid the dress behind me.

"Let me see!" Calum stood up and tried to turn me around.

"No! Not yet." I smiled and made him stand outside. He handed me the wallet and I paid. The dress was 50 dollars.

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