chapter 18

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Viviana's POV:

"what do we do now?" his voice filled the awkward silence.

"I don't want to be here right now let's go somewhere." I leaned into his chest slightly.

"okay. let's go." he smirked and pulled on my hand.

" dad I'll be back later." I shouted through the door.

Before he had time to respond we were already running down the street. I knew exactly where we were going.

We sneaked in through the broken door that we originally found and Sat on the bean bags we brought in here last week.

"why do you have to leave?" his hand held mine while his thumb rubbed circles on mine.

"lets not think about it right now okay?" he nodded while breathing in heavily.

"I uh if you're gonna leave I wanted to show you something." he got up and walked into the other room.

When he returned into the living room, he had a black, acoustic guitar. "I uh wanna sing for that okay? "

I. nodded frantically and he sat back down next to me. "okay..."

he strikes the strings on the instrument and cleared his voice.

"I wanna be drunk when I wake up on the right side of the wrong bed..." he began.

I smiled and looked at him like a freaked God. He has the voice of an angle.

"didn't kill me. it never made me stronger.."

I smiled like an idiot as my eyes teared.

"well a house gets cold when you cut the heating. without you to hold I'll be freezing.."

his eyes were closed and his hands were shaking so much I thought it was me.

"no you'll never love me like you used to. there may be other people like us who sed the flicker of the clip when they light up flames just create us..burns don't heal.." he choked up.

Calums eyes were now red and swollen. "you can't leave me." he pleaded.

"cal.." the only word that I could let escape my throat.

"please." he cried. "I need you here." he held me so close I could feel his chest moving under me. "I love you so much" 

"cal.. don't know what to tell you..I have to. I can't just stay here and not go..I love you but..I have to." tears burned my cheeks like acid.

"I know..I'm so stupid. ..I don't know what I'm thinking.." he took. a second and breathed. "if this is the lat night I get with you, I want to go out. and watch the stars."

He was being so vulnerable it frightened me.

"okay." I smiled and we headed out to the dry grass littering the lawn.

I leaned on his shoulder and looked up. "how come you didn't tell me you sing, or play the guitar?" I spoke, trying to connect my eyes with him but he was looking up.

" wasn't important. " he smirked.

"it wasn't important?"  repeated with a scoff. "you're cute, play guitar, and sing? Ring ding I've got a winner!" I giggled, trying to cheer him up.

"whatever." he smiled the smile I desperately tried for. "look at the stars loser." he chuckled and wrapped his arm around me.

"loser? " I scoffed, looking at him in the eyes. We were way too close.

"yeah." he pecked my lips and moved back. "loser."

"what makes me a loser?" I asked a debatable question.

"well for one you're kissing another loser!" he smiled and leaned in again.

This. kiss was like no other. spontaneous. adventurous. passionate.

"I'm gonna miss you..." he whispered.


"goodnight baby girl." hw kissed the top of m head and walked away.

"I love you." I spoke.

"I love you more. loser." he smiled and I shut the door.


(I'm gonna update more when I get home so yeahh)


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