chapter 36

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Calum's POV:

I've been hanging around Viv lately and I just love the fact that it's exactly how it used to be..well not exactly..

I need to talk to Cydney tonight. I feel like a prick, breaking up over the phone. Wow.

After school I got home, Texted Viv and showered. I decided that I would call her when I knew that she wasn't busy, which was at 6:00.

Her dad gets home at 8:00 so I would have time.

I showered and threw on a t-shirt along with my dark sweats. I picked up my phone and called the girl I adore..or adored.

"hello?" she answered the second ring. I panicked but quickly recovered.

"hey." I sighed. "can we talk?" I hated those words.

"um..about what?" I stayed silent for a few moments. "Calum?"

"listen." I sighed. "I think we should take a break.." I said quickly. I hated this situation so much.

"really Cal. over the phone? What a dick move man. I guess everything we had was a waist?" My mind went back to when I first met her.


Calum's POV:

"no man I don't want to. I just want to lay in bed today. " I spoke to Luke, who was trying to cheer me up about Viv.

"come on just for a drink. We can get tea or something." I sighed.

"fine but just for a little bit. " I agreed and followed him. we ended up going to River Park that day.

"Just a small chi tea. "

"two." Luke butted in. The waitress nodded and Luke gladly paid her.

"dude. that girl is totally checking you out." I didn't want to look honestly, but I know I was going to turn my head to her.

She was cute, I can't say she wasn't. Her hair was dark and her eyes big and brown. Her smile was bright and I felt myself forget about my firs love.

"yeah. " I shrugged but I saw his smug smirk from the corner of my eye.

"I'll talk to her friend while you talk to her. " he smiled and walked over to the two girls.

I sighed and walked behind him. I wanted to talk to her honestly.

"hey. what's up. I'm Luke and this is my friend Calum. we noticed that there weren't any more seats in here do we were wondering if we could sit with you two beautiful girls?" Luke was always really good at talking to girls.

"um yeah sure." her friend smiled. I pulled up a chair and sat next to the girl, Luke beside me.

"so what are your names?" I tried easing into a conversation.

"I'm Cydney and that's Molly." she smiled. Cydney. I could get used to that name.

"gorgeous." I grinned. Cydney soon started blushing at my words.

"so what are you guys up to?" Molly, her friend asked.

"We were just here getting a drink and were gonna go back to his place. you two should come if you want." Luke was way too good at this.

"sounds cool." Cydney nodded.

That night we hung out and talked for hours while listening to green day. She was really cool and I knew that I needed her in my life. She went to my school and I had just found that out.

"we definitely need to hang out soon. " I spoke as I dropped her off in front of her house.

"Yeah. definitely. " I needed to kiss her. I had to. I leaned in but before I could get to her she smashed her full lips against mine.

"see yah. " she smiled and walked in.

-Flash back over-

"it wasn't a waist. I'm sorry." I sighed.

"it's because of her isn't it. " silence.

"no. it's not. not fully. I don't know I just think we need to take a break. " I cleared my voice.

"she cheated on you. You know that." all the promises flooded my thoughts.

"stop don't bring all that shit up." I clipped. I was second guessing myself with all of this.

"well she did. and with your best friend. " she chuckled. "whatever Cal if this is what you want then okay. bye. "

and with that. she was gone.


(uber short update sorry. I haven't had time to update and shit. sorry again updating tomorrow after school.)


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