chapter 41

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Calum's POV:

She bobbed her head up and down at a quick pace. Viv looked up at me with her big Brown eyes, causing me to moan even louder.

"fuck Viv.  - shit. " I bucked my hips at her lips.


I sat on the bed, catching my breath. " you sure that was you're first time doing that?" I jokingly raised my eye brows.

"don't push it Hood." she crawled onto the bed with me. She placed her head on my chest and sighed.

"what happened to taking things slow?" I asked her as she closed her eyes.

"I have no idea. Its wierd. I say these things but we do the opposite. "


Viviana's POV:

Its now Friday, the day before Thanksgiving break starts. I'm going home with Calum because his sister and I are going shopping.

"you know you went have to go." He chuckled at me as I buckled up.

" I do. I need a few things." I need to buy a few Christmas gifts.

"okay." I chuckled as he attempted to roll his eyes.

As we pulled into the driveway his mom quickly got to the car and greeted me.

"mom you birthed me remeber?" Calum chuckled and gave Joy a kiss on the cheek.

"oh don't be a big baby." She joked. 

"where's Mali?" Calum asked and pulled me inside.

"in her room I think." we walked into her room as she was swinging her bag onto her shoulder.

"hey! Ready?" she smiled.

"yeah. " I smiled back. We walked back out to the living room.

"Mali I swear if you tell her any stupid things about me." Calum walked us out to her car.

"oh Calm down!" she chuckled and unlocked her car.

"be safe baby. " He hasn't called me that since freshman year. He's only doing this because Mali is here. "don't talk to weirdos. " he smirked over at his sister.

"then I guess she can't talk to you." Mali smart mouthed her brother.

"shut up." he rolled his eyes. "bye." he dipped his head and kissed my lips.

I quickly got into the car as he walked back inside.

"okay. Lets go."


"you know he works out in his room now. it's hilarious. He only does that when He talks to girls. " she laughed.

"yeah your mom was actually talking about that the other day." I laughed along.

"but seriously. He likes you a lot. He always talks about you and he smiles a lot more. Its cute." I blushed at the words.

After we got back to their house, Calum was sitting on the couch. "hey!" I smiled and walked over to him.

"what'd you get?" he tried looking in the bags but I couldn't show him. His present was in their, along with everyone else's.

"none of your business. " I laughed and sat next to him.

"did Mali tell you anything dumb?" he looked over at her.

"yeah a lot actually. You're cute kid." I hope around as he pulls me onto his lap.

I didn't know what to do at this point. I was scared that his mom would walk into the living room and see us. I tried to shove myself off but his arms hugged me tighter.

"Cal!" I laughed as he nipped at my neck.

"calm down loser. " he whispered in my ear. Wow his sister probably feels awkward.

I leaned into his chest and slid next to him. "we gotta go." He spoke and stood up. "mom we're going!" he shouted.

"okay bye! come back soon!" she hugged me and I looked over at Mali.

"Bye thanks for having me. " I smiled at Joy. "see you soon?" I looked at Mali-Koa.

"definitely. " she nodded.

We walked over to the car and buckled up. "what'd she tell you?" he chuckled as I shook my head.

"nothing really." I shrugged.


"bye loser." he smiled and pulled my waste to him. I kissed his lips and rubbed at the back of his neck.

"bye." I grinned and walked inside.


(shitty update but next chapter will be great I promise.)


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