chapter 33

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Viviana's POV:

His lips moved in sync with mine. I pulled my hands up to his gold locks and tugged him closer to me.

I felt Luke's large hands grip my waist and rub circles on my bare hip. He hovered over me, holding himself up with a propped elbow.

He left wet kisses down my neck and sucks softly under my jaw. Soft moans escaped my lips.

"Luke." I moaned into his ear and clawed at his back.

His hands tugged at the hem of my t shirt and peeled it off my damp skin. I hesitated and quickly covered myself.

"don't hide from me. ever. " he panted and removed my hands. "you're beautiful." He pecked my lips and kissed lower. Luke nipped at my collar bone and sucked harshly.

His hands moved up and down my hips while bringing his lips down my chest and to my stomach. Luke's lips kisses my hip bones and tugged at my jeans.

He curled up at my feet, helping me pull off my jeans. I watched as his eyes gazed at my body.

"fucking shit." he whispered and pulled me in to kiss him. Luke slowly raised his shirt off and I helped him pull it off. His abs were defined perfectly and I noticed the small moles scattered around.

Luke pulled on my lip with his teeth, making me whimper. I ran my nails down his warm, bare back, leaving red marks.

"Viv.." he moaned out as I rolled my hips on him. I chuckled at how frustrated he was.

I kissed his neck, forcing a mark to stay. As he started unbundling his pants I started to ask myself exactly what was happening.

"you know.." he kisses at my neck while he pulled his jeans off,  exposing his member under his boxers. "this is exactly what Calum told me not to do.." he smirked but a frozen pulled at my brows.

"what?" I asked, propping myself up.

"yeah..he didn't want me hanging around with you because he thought we'd do something." he shrugged.

"you know Luke... you guys are best friends...why do you guys do this?" I pulled out of from where I was sitting.

"do what? " he cleared his throat and licked his lip.

"this.."I waved between us. "I'm sorry..can you take me home?" I shook my head and put my clothes on.

"um yeah. I don't know what happened. I'm sorry. " he pulled his clothes on and grabbed his keys. this is going to be a long car ride.

I sat in the passenger seat with my hands in my lap. When we got to a red light I saw him turn to me but I didn't look over.

"I'm sorry. " he whispered and the light changed. I ignored the two words he just spoke and watched the cars that passed by.

When we got to my house I sat in the car, frozen. "I'm sorry. " he repeated.

"it's okay. can we forget it happened and not tell Calum? " I asked. I hated the way this made me feel. guilty.

"okay. I'll see yah," he whispered and I got off the car.

Luke's POV:

"can you take me home?" she spoke as she threw on her clothes. I ruined everything.

"um yeah." I drove her home, not saying a thing but sorry.

She asked me to hide this from Calum and honestly I wasn't going to tell him.

I watched her walk inside and I was gone. I wanted to talk to Calum though.

When I got back home I Texted Calum and changed. ~yeah man come over~  his text read.

I got to his apartment and I could here the loud music blasting form his room.

"what's up. " he slurred. He's waisted.

"nothing much." I spoke and kicked open the door slowly.

"I think you should call Viv." he chuckled and I was already irritated.

"how'd you get here?" I asked as I sat on the bed.

"Viv dropped me off. " I chuckled this time. what the fuck is he talking about.

"you sure?" I asked calmly.

"mhm she's so fucking hot dude. " my annoyance slowly started getting louder and clearer.

"hmm." I hummed as he rambled on about her body.

"and the way she let me eat her out that time. damn. " I couldn't help it anymore.

"shut the fuck up Calum." I sighed.

"w-what?  what's wrong? jealous?" he teased.

"of what? I fucked her after you made her cry! " I regretted it as soon as it left my lips.

"take it back." he had a straight face on and I swear I could see a vein popping out of his forehead. I decided to make this a game.

"fuck you no. she felt so good Calum, the way she flicked her tongue around me." I teased and before I could look at his face I felt a blow to the face.

I swung back and dropped him to the floor, punching over and over. He lied on the floor and my foot blew into the side of his ribcage.

"fuck you. " he spat as I walked out.

"nah I'd rather go fuck Viv. " I smirked and walked out.


(haha can you hear me crying?)


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