chapter 8

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(hey guys if you like this book you should probably go read my other one its called Teenage Memories. so yeah here's chapter seven)

Viviana's POV:

I woke up very tired and noticed it was still dark outside. I looked over at the clock by my mirror and read the time. 3:43. What the hell


I get up and walk to the kitchen. I grab a cup of water and chug it down. Everyone's asleep in the house. I suddenly got the idea to text Cal. I'd be dead if my dad found out.

My phone was tempting me on the night stand and before I knew it my fingers were dancing on the screen.

To: Calum

*hey c: *

I drummed on the top of my phone waiting impatiently for his reply.

What am I doing? Its three in the damn morning!

Realization hit me as I dragged myself back to bed. Right as I was dazing off my phone vibrated under my pillow. A grin grew on my lips as I unlocked my phone.


* hey :) ! *

*what's up?* I hit send.

*nothing much really. What'd you need :) *

*you should come visit. I woke up and now I can't go to bed. *

that sounds bad.

*sure I'll be there in a bit. *

*wait come through the back ok.*


I sat on my bed and got a glance at myself from the mirror across the room. I looked like a mummy.

I pulled my hair into a messy braid and brushed my teeth. I didn't bother changing, I was way too comfortable.

I was wearing my tights with an oversized sweater. I slipped on my slippers and walked out to my balcony.

I noticed the movements out by the gates and I quickly got down the stairs. "shhh!" I quieted him down but he only made more noise when he fell in the bushes.

I giggled as he pulled himself up. "hi." I squeaked as he towered over me.

"hey." he laughed and brushed his sweats off. We sat on the short brick wall, on the side of my house just in case.

"so. why are you awake at this time?" I asked him.

"I was playing FIFA. " we shared chuckles and his arm wrapped around me.

"that sounds fun right now." I sighed and I felt the vibrations of his laughs.

"why don't you play?" he asked as I looked at him with furrowed brows.

"my brothers greedy." I fake pouted and his thumb slid over my bottom lip.

His eyes were soft and his touch was gentle. He kissed the tip of my nose and a small smirk hid on his lips. My cheeks became pink.

"look there's something on your lips." he pointed.

"what where?" I sheepishly looked for what he was talking about.

"right there. " he placed a gentle kiss on my lips with a grin. "got it." I giggled and bit my lip.

I swung my arms around him and rested my head against his chest. Wow I'd be in so much trouble if my dad found out this was going on right downstairs.

"so. I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies with me." he spoke quietly.

"like on a date?" I peered my head up so I could see his face.

"um yeah. but if you don't want to that's cool I mean if you-" I giggled at how his cheeks flamed up and his choice of words.

"I'd love to." I pecked his lips.

"okay I thought you were gonna be like um no I hate you." I don't know why but that made me laugh terribly hard.

The lights went on from my parents room. "oh shit go. I'll text you." I slightly pushed him.

"wait." he pulled me towards him and kissed me slowly. "see you tomorrow."

I grinned and ran up my balcony stairs. I ran into bed right as the door was pushed open. Once I heard it close I sat up and texted him.

To: Calum

*rebel ;) *

I ended up texting him all night up until five thirty.


(short update for my vivis )


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