chapter 13

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Viviana's POV:

"alright pull it out." Cal rushed Luke.

"okay. chill mother fucker." He laughed as he took a seat on the grass.

We all sat in a semi-circle and passed the publicists around. It was alright not too crazy. Where the Hell did Luke get this anyways?

"where'd you get it?" I spoke my thoughts out.

"a good friend of mine." I nodded.

I've only ever done this twice so this is pretty new to me. I took a small hit and held in the drug. I really liked it, the taste so I took in another longer drag.

"Whoa chill! there's three of us!" Calum took the roll and placed it between his plump lips.

As Luke was placing the blunt between his fingers, rustling was heard from behind the bushes. Soon enough a light was flashed at us and all I remember was running behind Calum.

"Hurry!" Luke shouted as we hopped the fence.

We got around the corner and hid in an alley.

"that was close here have some gum and eye drops because your dad will kill us both." Cal handed me the clear eyes bottle and I quickly screwed off the cap.

I tilted my head back and applied the liquid to my eyes, blinking them back quickly. I popped the piece of gum in my mouth and smiled at Luke who was giggling.

"okay let's go to my house for a bit so that the smell wares off before I take you home." Cal got a hold of my hand and walked me to his house.

He slowly started leaning my towards the front of him so his hands were wrapped around me and we were walking in sync.

"ew stop." Luke gagged at the sight of us. A small giggle escaped my lips as we entered the house.

"hey mom we're going to my room okay." Cal shouted into the kitchen and we hustled up the stairs.

"here spray some perfume on and put on lotion." Cal handed me his mom's-or I hope it's his mom's- perfume.

"hello?" Luke's phone rang in his pocket before he pulled it out and answered.

"yeah okay." he hung up and nodded over at Calum. "I gotta go my mom wants me home. I'll text you later." Luke shuffled out of the room. Leaving me and Cal to ourselves.

"I've missed you." He whispered as I sat on the bed. "come here." I smiled and walked over to my boyfriend.

"what.." I grinned and stood between his legs.

"you've missed me I can tell." he smirked this smirk of his. The one that makes me melt inside. yeah that one.

"I guess." I shrugged trying to excuse the fact that I wanted his lips on mine.

"oh? you guess? " he chuckled and gripped my small waist, pulling me closer to his hips. "how sure are you now?"

"I missed you." I giggled and tried to pull away, before he pulled me onto him.

I giggled and met gazes with him. "I missed you to." he kissed my lips softly.

My lips moved with his as I pulled myself into a better position. He tried to deepen the kiss but I was a bit paranoid of his mom walking in on us making out.

"calm down." he panted. "you're so tense." He pulled my neck closer to him and gripped my thigh with the free hand he had.

"sorry it's just." I kissed his neck softly. "tour mom." I sighed and sat up on him.

"here I'll lock the door." he set me to the side of him and closed the door.  "there." he smirked.

He slightly pushed back on my shoulders, causing me to fall back onto my back. His knee was placed between my thighs and the other on my outer thigh.

My hands tugged at the roots of his hair as our lips met. Calums waist was grinder into me as my legs wrapped around his torso for the space to vanish.

His hips bucked at the feeling of himself against me, causing a moan to escape my lips.

Grunts were heard from his deep voice and I could feel how hard he was against me.

"Calum wait." I panted.

"huh." he kissed and nipped at my neck.

"I'm not sure I want to do this here. you know your mom is downstairs." he grinned.

"yeah. But. " his eyes met mine. "I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want to do."

My heart was racing and I couldn't hold back anymore. "I think I'm...I'm ready." I gulped back and sat down.

"Okay we're not gonna do everything tonight okay. " I nodded in relief. But then what are we gonna do?

His hand slightly picked up my white t-shirt up and finally pulled it over my shoulders.

He then pulled his black t-shirt off. My eyes couldn't withdraw from his body and from the looks of he couldn't either.

"you're beautiful." he smirked. I gave him a shy smile and he pulled my jeans down my thighs and off my legs.

"you okay?" I nodded as he unclasped my bra and letting it slide off my arms.

I took a deep breath as he leaned in to kiss my lips. Calum pulled off of me, leaving me sat up.

"sit at the edge of the bed baby." He guided me to the end of the mattress and separated my legs. "relax baby girl." I nodded and rest back.

He blew cold air at my heat and a false arose from my throat. A small chuckle was heard and my black underwear were gone.

"you sure?" I nodded and screwed my eyes shut.

A finger slid against me and a soft moan was rolled off my lips. His finger slid into me and slowly pumped.

I squirmed around as he added a finger to me. My stomach was already tightening at his touch. His face nearly centimeters from me.

I felt his hair scruff against me and soon after his tongue lapped on me.


(you horny little .... okay well goodnight ;)


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