chapter 30!

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Viviana's POV:

"um what's up guys. " I heard a voice too familiar to ignore. I sat up and jumped off the car.

"hey Cal um. Are you alright? " I cleared my throat and walked towards him.

"yeah. fucking peachy. " he fakingly smiled and walked away.

"wait Calum!" I ran after him. "where the Hell are you even going!" I stopped and ran a hand through my hair, a habit I picked up because of him.

"anywhere but fucking here." He shouted and threw his hands in the air in anger. I sighed loudly and turned to Luke who was now standing with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"um. what do we do?" I spat at him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound so-"

"bitchy? " he spit back. His eyes softened as I chewed on my lip. "I'm sorry I didn't-  uh!" he rubbed his face with his hands. He was about as irritated as I was.

"what do we do. " I tried again. This time softer. clearer.

"I'll be back sit in the car. " he commanded and walked towards the way Calum did.

I sighed and kicked the loose dirt around. I decided that it was getting cold so I sat in the car and listened to the nips.

Luke's POV:

I spotted him sitting on a rock down the dirt road. I approached him slowly because I have no idea what I'm getting into. The scariest part was I might lose my best friend.

"Cal?" I whispered, leaning my head down so I could get a view of his face. A scowl spread across his eye brows and his eyes were squinted.

"What. What could you possibly fucking want from me." he clipped.

"uh i wanted to know if you were alright man. I didn't think it was gonna be a problem I mean. " I shrugged. "we were just holding hands. " a chuckle escaped my lips and I felt like a fucking dick.

"It's not that. it's the fact that I just went through all that shit with Cydney's dad and you guys go and do that type of shit. what the Hell is that?" he shook his head.

"I'm sorry man. " that's all I could say. He looked up and squinted.

"if you were really sorry. you'd stop talking to her. " he whispered.

"No! what the Hell is your problem? She's one of my closest friends.  Its one thing to stop showing my feeling towards her, but it's another to completely stop because you have a crush on her. you're being fucking childish. if you want to stop talking to me because of this then that's your shit but leave her out of it." I scoffed and walked back towards the car.

"Wait.fuck man.." he sighs and stands up.

"what?" I asked and walked back to him.

"I'm sorry. I don't care if you talk to her but can you please stop you know. trying to fuck her. "he grinned.

"DUDE that's the last thing I'm trying to do! but yeah ill stop trying to hang out with her. I'm sorry." he nodded and we walked back to the car.

Viviana's POV:

They both walked back and I was a bit too scared to sit in the passenger seat. I sprawled myself in the back seat and forced them to sit together.

"is everything..good?" I squeaked the end part. I don't like being like this. it's uncomfortable and not fun. I don't get to hang out with the both of them and have a good time.

"yeah actually. " Luke smiled and turned over to Cal.


"alright am I dropping you off at your house?" Cal asked Luke.

"yeah man." Cal pulled up the the house and Luke got out of the car.

"bye viv see you at school." he smiled and walked inside.

"hey do you wanna go get something to eat?" Cal asked. I know what he's doing. what they're doing.


(Zayn is bomb)


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