chapter 58

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Viviana' s POV:

When I woke up, I just laid there. I thought about what Madz was going on about, what Luke told me about Cal.

Oh God. What Luke told me about Cal.

I quickly felt my stomach drop. I don't know what to do. I'm not sure if I want to ask him right now.

I'll wait. I'm not gonna bring it up.

I got out of bed and got ready for a jog. I tied my hair up nicely and put on some tights with a sweatshirt. I tied my freeruns on and grabbed my water bottle from the fridge.

I took my phone off the charger and head out the door. I played my jogging playlist and started my jog.

I jogged for a good two hours. I'm trying to tone my legs a bit more.

After my jog, I got home and grabbed another water bottle. I go through these like crazy.

I checked my phone for any missed calls or texts from Cal but nothing. I have to stay away from this phone.

I got into the shower and let the hot water trickle down my tensed shoulders. It was relaxing. I usually just sit here and think about the way Cal and I used to hang out at the abandoned house. Or the way we used to go over to Luke's all the time.

After my shower, I sat in my living room and watched skins. I've been watching this alone now because I don't have Cal to watch it with.

Sometimes we call each other and watch the same episode together at the same time so we can watch it like if I'm there.

I miss him.

I noticed the time and decided to get ready for work. I was really eager to get a call from him but I don't think it's going to happen tonight. I'm not going to be the one to call him anyways.

I put on my light washed skinny jeans, rolling them to my ankles because of the extra Jean material.

I threw on a t-shirt and lined my lid. I didn't feel like putting on full make up today because it was so hot outside today.

I grabbed my bag and keys. I walked over to my car and drove to work. When I got there, Liz wasn't there. She must have asked the day off or something.

I got behind the register and tied on my red apron. I decorated it with pins and cute buttons.

I set my phone beside the register, I know I know, it's not the smartest thing but I just really want to know why he thinks we aren't doing well. I feel like shit.

When it came to lunch, I walked over to my car. I just sat there with the cooler on high. My music blasted through my car.

I waited for my break to be over so I could stop checking my phone every minute. I found myself tapping to the beat of the song and glancing at my phone.

If I would have been someone else looking at me I'd think I look desperate but honestly I am. I'm desperate to know why he feels this way. Why he said that to Luke. I thought we were doing good.

When I got back inside, I sat behind the register waiting for people to buy their products.

After work, I went straight home. I drank some hot tea and a bunch of water. I did some work outs and watched tv. I did what I could to get away from the phone but it was really difficult not to do anything.

After I got ready for bed, I shut off my lights and kicked off my crocs. I lied in bed and looked at the ceiling.

I was near sleep when my phone started ringing. I shot up and answered the call. "Cal!" I smiled. I was so glad he called.

"Hey." He chuckled. I missed his voice.

"What's up how was your day?" I curled up under my blankets.

"It was good. I had work and some band practice the usual." I chewed on my bottom lip. "How about yours princess? " I felt butterflies at the stupid pet name.

"It was Okay. I had work. I was waiting for you to call actually. " I explained.

"Oh?" I nodded. "What's up?" I cleared my throat.

"Um so when Luke came over-"

"Oh yeah how was that?" I furrowed my eyebrows in thought.

"Um. It didn't go so great. Madz isn't speaking to me at the moment and Luke told me something. " I felt my eyes start t get irritated.

"What happened?" I heard his voice go soft.

"Long story. But Luke told me you didn't think our relationship was going well.." it was silent. As if he was thinking.

"Wait. He's talking about what I said ages ago. Babe that was a while ago. It was when I didn't know what to do and I was questioning everything-"

"Questioning our relationship? "

"No- Well it was when you were getting bad and I didn't know what to do." Only if he knew.

"So you were just going to break up with me." I formed my lips not a line.

"No- Well okay can we just forget about this conversation like seriously. It was a while ago. " I cleared my throat again.

"Yeah. Um anyways when are you coming to visit again?" I miss him so much.

"Saturday. My day off. " I grinned. I'm so excited.


(Okay. So yeah byeeee)


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