chapter 3

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(heyy how is everyone. well I'm updating all books so yay! lol okay here's vivs book! byeahh)

"don't over whelm her she's just starting to raise her voice." he laughed.

"sorry." he mumbled. My cheeks were burning. I've never really like liked a boy before and this is pretty weird.

"oh no its okay." I whispered.

"so how long have you lived here?" he asked and I cleared my throat.

"I was born here actually. what about you?" I raised my voice a bit, getting used to talking to him.

"same. " he nods.

After a few minutes of awkward silence and small talk the bell rang and we dumped our food.

"um it was really nice meeting you I hope we can keep this going." he smiled.

"yeah actually." I decided to grow some balls. "I was wondering if I could have your number. " I looked away only here him chuckle.

"I was gonna ask you the same question. yeah its *puts random number here* " I said my good byes and headed towards my fifth period. Physical Education.

I rushed into the girls locker room and got into my hideous gym clothes. I walked to role call and stood in my spot.

After school I waited for my dad. "hey how was your day?" he chuckled.

"absolutely great." a grin tugged at the corner of my lips.

"that's great." he nodded.

we got home and I walked up the stairs. I finished all of my home work in less than an hour and I pulled my phone out.

I don't know if I should be the first to text him but then again I do have his number.

*hi its Viv. * I hit send. This can't be good.

*hey :) I thought you weren't gonna text me. I got scared. * I giggled.

*I had to do home work lol. um wyd?* my thumb circled the home button.

*just sitting in bed. hby? * he is great at texting back quickly.

* same. I'm sorry for being so awkward at lunch today :/* I sighed and set my phone on the desk.

"viv dinner is ready!" my mom shouted up the stairs.

"coming!" I shouted and grabbed my phone. I sat down and my phone buzzed.

*you weren't awkward I thought it was cute.* I smile creeped onto my face and I bit my lip.

*oh. :) *I hit send and my mom handed me my food.

"thanks" I simply respond and eat my dinner.

*I really want to get to know you. We don't have a lot of people like me and Luke at school.* I giggled.

*yeah same how long have you known Luke? * I hit send and took another bite of my food.

"what's wrong with her?" my brother whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I think she met a boy." my mom sounds too excited.

"um no I mean yeah but were just friends." I hid my smile and my cheeks turned slightly pink.

"yes she met a boy!" my mom giggled. " sorry you just never get out of your room or bring friends over so I just kinda got jumpy ." she giggled. My dad didn't seem nearly as happy.

"well he is just a friend so. " I smiled and set my plate in the sink.

"yeah they always start as friends. "I giggled and ran upstairs.

*since three years ago. did you just meet him this year? *

*yeah just this year.* its weird because I've never even seen Calum with Luke.

*he's really cool....but I'm cooler:D* I laughed at his response.

*yeah sure :)* I smiled.

*I am! haha * I shook my head with a stupid grin on my face.

*haha okay hey um I'm gonna jump in the shower but can I call you after?* I set my phone on the dresser while I chose my pijamas.

*yeah I'd love that.*

I chose my purple shorts with a black tank top . I turned the faucet on and waited for the hot water to come in. The steam filled the bathroom and I stepped in.


I stepped out of the shower and changed. I sat on my bed and went onto my contacts. I hesitated at first but I hit the call.

the phone rang twice and his voice was heard. "hey !" I smiled.

"hey ." I giggled at how enthusiastic his answer was.

"whacha doin? " I giggled. he's so goofy.

"um nothing just sitting on my bed how about you?" I pulled the covers over my body and shut the lights off.

"talking to you. Hey I was thinking you should probably eat lunch with us again. I mean if you want." his laugh filled the speaker.

"yeah I'd like that. "

after a few hours I noticed it was already midnight. "oh my god Calum its late. I should go. " I smiled even though he can't see me.

"yeah me to okay gorgeous um have sweet dreams and don't let the bed bugs bite. " I smiled at his sweet words.

"you to. not the gorgeous part. I mean you're gorgeous wait not gorgeous just um- "

"goodnight " he giggled and I let out a sigh. I'm so awkward. I giggled at myself.


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