chapter 57

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Viviana's POV:

I'm currently at the train station waiting for Madz and Luke's train to get here. I'm so ready for them to see my house and for use to hang out.

They can't stay the night because they have work tomorrow and Luke already asked the day off but it's okay.

I think I might take them out for tea and we can all watch movies at my house. Or hang out at the mall. I don't know I'll let them decide.

My thoughts came to a stop when their train pulled up. I quickly spotted the blondes and got to them.

I brought Madz into my arms and then Luke. "I missed you guys okay. So what do you guys wanna do today? We can watch movies or go to the park or-"

"We should go get to your house and put our things down." Madz giggled.

"Oh yeah. Sorry I got really excited guys." Luke laughed and we got to the car.

"Well Luke it looks like you're going in the back sorry kiddo. " Madz and I laughed as he got into the backs eat along with the luggage.

When we got to my house, Luke dragged their bag out of the back seat and followed Madz and I to the door.

I let them in and kicked my shoes next to the door. "You can set that in my room come on." They followed me to my room and I had them put it in the corner.

"Okay So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked as I sat on the couch. Honestly I don't feel like going out. I want to play rock band with them.

"We can go out to the movies. We ate before we got here so we can do whatever you want to do." Luke spoke.

"Lets play rock band. " I smirked at Luke. We used to play this all the time back in freshman year.

"Alright but I got the guitar. " he smirked as I rolled my eyes.

"I got the drums!" Madz shouted as we got everything out of its boxes.

"And I got the vocals. " I grabbed the microphone and connected everything. Once we had everything running, we made our band.

"I'm gonna put black hair on mine." Luke spoke. I laughed. They're hanging out with Michael too much.

"Yeah because your mom won't let you." I smirked. After we made our band, we started choosing the songs.

We played for a while. Up until four. "Can I have some water?" Madz asked as we paused the game for a break.

"Yeah." I nodded and she followed me to the kitchen.

"Me too." I nodded and gave them the water. I grabbed a cup for myself.

"Hey let's get takeout." Luke spoke. I just nodded slightly.

"I can get it." Madz spoke.

"Oh no that's fine. I can go." I spoke as she grabbed my keys.

"No it's cool. I got it." I nodded and walked into my room.

"How are you?" Luke asked as he sat next to me on my bed.

"I'm good. Yeah. I'm fine." I nodded. I don't know what else to tell him. I mean seriously. I'm not going to blurt out and say 'oh you know I'm fucking starving myself and working out until I feel as if I'm going to collapse. ' I can't do that.

"That's good." He kicked his foot. "How are you and Cal? " I smiled at his name.

"We're good. We're great." I nodded.

"Oh. Um. That's weird. Calum told me you guys weren't doing so good last time we spoke about you guys." I frowned.

I didn't know what to think. So many things were running through my mind.

Did Calum actually think we're not doing good? What else Sid he say to Luke? Why does he feel like this?

But no.

What I said was. "Oh. That's weird." I chuckled and played with my shorts.

"You still have this?" He got up from where he was sitting. I wasn't sure what he was talking about really. Until he turned around with the heart shaped necklace in his hand.

"Oh yeah." I smiled. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. This is from freshman year." He shrugged and sat back down. It was nice to talk to him like back then.

I do miss how close we were in freshman year. I don't know. I mean. We are close. Just not Like then. But then again who am I close to now. I'm not even close enough to my own boyfriend apparently.

"Yeah I kept it." I smiled.

"That's good." He nodded.

"Yeah. Um so how are you and Madz?" I asked as I put the necklace around my neck.

"We're good. " He nodded. I really liked the way his eyes lit up when he thought of her. She's good for him.

"That's good. "

I wonder how Cal looks when he speaks of me. Does he talk about me to the guys?

"So how's the band?" I ask this question a lot but I love hearing of it. They all sound so excited about it.

"Its great. Cal wrote a few songs about you they're really good actually." I felt my face flush. A grin pulled at my lips. Before I could speak again the door opened.

"Hey guys I'm back!" We walked into the kitchen where she held the bag of Chinese food.

We all sat down and I poured myself a cup of water. I watched them serve themselves just like I did When I went over to Liz's last week.

"Are you gonna eat?" Madz asked. I looked around and grabbed the spoon. I should.

"Uh yea." I grabbed a small portion of noodles and orange chicken and started cutting it into small pieces like I have been for the past few weeks.

"What the fuck?" Madz voice sounds different. I looked up as she looked straight at me.

"Excuse me?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Cut the crap. What the he'll is going on with you? You hardly eat anymore. Look how fucking skinny you are!" I looked at her dumbfounded.


"Madz." Luke spoke to her as I was about to say something.

"No Luke! What aren't you fucking telling me?" Her voice was raised now.

"I think we should go." I nodded as I felt a tear spill onto my cheek.

I sat in my chair while Luke grabbed their things from my room. I chewed on my cheek wishing these tears would stop.

They left without saying anything. I wiped at my tears furiously. I heard them trying to whisper outside of my door.

"What the hell are you doing?" Luke's voice sounds harsh.

"She isn't fucking eating I'm not going to watch her ruin herself!" Madz wasn't whispering. If anything she was shouting.

I walked into my room and took a sleeping pill. I wasn't going to deal with this. I don't have the strength for it.


(I might update later after homework not sure yet! Byeeee)


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