chapter 48

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Viviana's POV:

It's a week after prom and Calum and I haven't been talking since. If we do its an occasional goodnight and good morning text.

I'm getting ready for school at the moment. I'm wearing my skinny jeans and my black boots with Calum's nirvana sweatshirt.

I've been wearing sweatshirts lately. To cover up what I don't want anyone to see.

When I get to school I find my first class and sit there. Calum is probably in the library because of homework.

When I'm in class I find myself looking out the window and the trees. I waited for the bell to ring and as soon as it did..I was gone.

The only time I really do hang out with Calum is at lunch and most of the time I don't talk much.

When I get to the lunch table, I sit next to Calum and smile at Madz. "Hey." Calum kisses my cheek as I greeted him.

"How come you haven't text me." I ask him lowly.

"I'm sorry. I've just been so busy with schoolwork and trying to get my gpa up. Finding work and shit." I felt relieved that He was trying so hard for himself.

"Oh. Its okay." I smiled a semi fake smile. I'm so out if it lately.

"But we can hang out after school?" I really didn't want him to ask me about the whole food thing.

"Oh I can't today I promised I'd help clean the house. " I made up an excuse as to why I couldn't hang out with him.

"Okay babe that's fine." I smiled at his stupid pet name.

"Okay." I nodded.

After school I headed straight home. I went upstairs and grabbed Cal's t-shirt off the bed and threw it on. I peeled my skinny jeans off and threw myself under the covers.

I started drifting to sleep but as I was almost out I heard a slight knock on my door. "Come in." I groaned. Come on really.

"Hey I made lasagna, want some?" My mom asked. I thought about it. I mean a little won't hurt. I haven't eaten in almost three days so hey.

"Um Yeah I'll be down in a bit. " I nodded and she shut my door. I sighed and rolled out of bed.

Walking downstairs, the smell filled my nostrils. It smelled delicious. I grabbed a plate from the dish washer and served myself a scoop.

I got a spoon as well and walked back upstairs. "Thanks mom!" I shouted before closing my door.

I grabbed my phone and looked through my social media. I went through my instagram as I ate my plate. It was soon gone.

I opened Thinspo and saw the pretty skinny girls. I soon regretted what I just  ate.

I've never done it before but I felt the need to at the moment. I walked into the bathroom, turned on the water just in case, and grabbed my toothbrush.

I gagged myself, sticking the end of the toothbrush as far back as I could. I soon released everything I just ate. 

I felt..good. empty. I really liked that. I went back on thinspo and decided that I needed to work out.

I did three sets of one hundred squats, three sets of minute planks, and three sets of minute wall sits.

I took a shower and soon fell asleep.

When I woke up it was three in the morning. I couldn't fall back asleep. I walked into the bathroom and lifted my shirt..Calum's shirt.

I got mad, not being able to see my ribs or collar bones yet. My eyes started getting puffy again. I was about to purge again when my phone began to ring.

"Who the Fuck is calling me right now." I whispered as I read the screen. Calum. "Hello?" I whispered.

"Hey. Are you up?" I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me.

"Yeah." I sighed. "What's up."

"Nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice right now. I just finished sending college applications and I did my homework. " I smiled.

"That's good Cal." I heard him chuckle.

"Yeah." There was a long silence. "I missed you." I smiled and got back into bed.

"I missed you to." I sighed.

"What are you doing up anyways?" I panicked I didn't know what to say.

"I um couldn't sleep. " I heard him sigh into the phone.

"Im going to stay up with you." I chuckled.

"No you're not." I smiled. "Go to sleep."

"No. Then you'll be alone. " He whined.

"No." I started feeling my eyes heavy. I set the phone under my ear and shut my eyes. "Cal I'm tired. " I sighed.

"No. Stay up." I chuckled. "I'm not sleepy." I sighed and turned over.

"Calum." I whined.

"Vivi"  he mocked me.

"Cal. I'm going to bed. " I chuckled and tried sleeping.

Calum's POV:

I set my things down after I finished My homework. I applied to everything that was near.

It was three in the morning and I know she won't be up but I called her anyway.

"Hello?" He voice sounds so soft and fragile. 

"Hey.  Are you up?" Of course she is stupid.

We talked about my college applications and stuff. She was tired I could tell by how soft she was speaking. "I'm going to sleep Cal." I smiled and shook my head.

"No." I spoke. "Stay up I'm not sleepy."

"Cal I'm going to bed."

There was a silence and I knew that she fell asleep. "Babe." I spoke softly. "Wake up." She was out.

"I love you baby." I spoke to her sleepy body. "Princess." I know she hates these pet names. That's why I use them.

"Goodnight." I hung up and fell asleep.


(I'm gonna update later guys I promise and I take my promises serious.)


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