chapter 55

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Viviana's POV:

"Yeah. So if you buy one of the lip scribe you can get the bath bombs twenty percent off." I was currently waiting for work to be very so I can get home and pack.

I'm going home for fourth of July to visit my family and hang out with the guys.

I get off at six today because it's a holiday, but usually I get off around eight.

After I clocked out, I gave Liz a hug and wished her a happy fourth of July. I was driving to my apartment listening to blink.

When I got home, I quickly packed all my things. I threw my bikini back into my drawer, maybe if I said I forgot it, I wouldn't need to pit it on.

After I packed my things, I drove to the train station and waited for the train to get here. When it did, the train and where it was stopping was called out through the loud speakers.

I got onto the train and put my luggage under my seat. I didn't bring much, just what I needed for tomorrow.

The ride was only thirty minutes and when the train stopped, I found myself looking out of the window and searching for my mom.

I got off the train with my bag and searched for someone. I'm not sure who's picking me up, whether it's my mom or my dad.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket once I couldn't find anyone waiting for me. As the phone rang I heard the familiar ringtone.

"Damn it." I laughed while my dad hung up the phone. "I was gonna scare you." I smiled and hugged him.

"Is Christian home?" I missed my brothers.

"Yeah Chris, Bree, Jonathan, and Keiasha ." He spoke as we walked over to the car. I threw my bag into the trunk.

"How's work?" I made small talk so it wouldn't be quiet in the car.

"It's good. We miss you here." I smiled. I'm glad I wore my sweats and a big sweater, it's cold.

When we got into the garage, I felt the butterflies. I've missed it here.

I got inside and the first person I hugged was my mom. "Hey baby!" She squeezed me so tight. I couldn't help not smiling.

I hugged my brothers and Bred. Then Keiasha. "So how have you guys been? How's San Jose?" It's been a while.

I was trying to talk to them as much as I could, but I couldn't help but notice how hot it was in here. "Hold on guys. I need to change it is really warm in here." I exuded myself and got upstairs.

I changed into a t-shirt and some tights. When I got downstairs, they were already serving themselves food. I got really nervous for some reason.

I stood next to counter and I noticed my mom staring at me. I was listening to Jonathan and Christian's conversation when she walked over to me and called me into the hallway.

"Have you been eating?" I furrowed my eye brows.

"Of course I have. What do you mean?" I felt my breathing get heavy.

"You look so thin." The words sparked something in me. I felt proud for some reason. I couldn't help but smile.

"I have. I just work out a lot." I nodded.

"Okay." I smiled and walked into the kitchen. "Do you want food?" I heard my mom ask.

"No I'm okay." I shook my head at my mom's question.

"Too bad. You're too skinny." I sighed. "Here." She handed me a plate filled with mashed potatoes, green beans, and ham.

I cut up the food into small, tiny pieces. It makes It seem as if I ate so much more food than I did.

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