Chapter 10

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Calum's POV:

AFTER arriving home with my new girlfriend. wow that sounds weird. My new girlfriend. We were greeted by my mom.

"hey mom." I chuckled at her little scene she caused earlier about how I don't bring her to the house.

"hey Cal is this her oh my gosh she's gorgeous!" she wiped the excess food form what she was cooking and brought her into a hug.

"Mom! " I laughed. "I know stop you're scaring her." I chuckled at the short girl with the big smile and red cheeks.

"this is the first time he brings a girl over."

"mom! no I've brought more girls and.." I felt my cheeks heat up. Great.

I shot my mom a 'what-the-heck-look' and brought her upstairs. "sorry." I laughed.

"no! I love her she's so sweet!" she laughed and sat on my queen sized bed.

"she's really embarrassing and likes to say things." I shook my head with a grin.

"we should go down there I want to here this!" she got up and almost got to the door, but before she got a hold of the door knob, I had the small figure over my shoulder.

"no!" I laughed as she kicked and slapped my back.

"put me down!" she laughed and tried diving off my shoulders and onto the bed but ended up failing and falling onto the floor.

"oh my God! are you okay!?" I gasped and got down to the floor.

Viv shook her head and I could hear weeping noises. "babe!? are you okay oh my God I'm so sorry!" I sighed and tried to help her up but before I touched her shoulder she shot up with a loud" GOTCHA SUCKER!" and pulled me to the floor.

"that's not fair!!!" I shouted as she got on my back and pushed my face into the carpet.

"so I'm small everything's fair. " she laughed and bit my neck. hard.

"OUCH!" I shouted and pulled her under me. "stop." I whispered into her ear and kissed her cheak.

"no." she got up and jumped on the bed. What am I going to do with her.

"get down!" I laughed and crawled on the bed only to have her get off and roll onto the floor.

"what are you gonna do?" she's sassing me! I slowly crept at her and pinned her down.

"I'm gonna... " before I could threaten her my door opened. My mother was standing there in her apron. While I was on top of my girlfriend with her arms pinned and my lips at her ear. GREAT.

"oh um I'm sorry." my mom was about to close the door but I called her back.

"mom what's up? " I crawled off of Viv and helped her up.

"uh dinners ready." she giggled as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"okay thanks." she left and shut the door.

"great. now she thinks I'm a slut! " she sighed and covered her face with her hands.

"no she doesn't!" I giggled and pulled her into a hug. "come on food is ready." I pulled her down the stairs with a bit of a struggle. Until I pulled her over my shoulder.

"hey guys I already served you guys it's on the table." my mom directed us to the dining room.

"thank you mom." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

We all sat down at the table and ate our food. My mom is a really good cook and anyone who thinks different is absolutely wrong.

"so how long have you been knowing eachother?" my mom asked and I'm not quite sure.

"about three weeks?" she looked over at me and nodded.

"that's good. He really likes you I can tell because he's acting weird and works out and sings love songs in the shower. " here we go.

"MOM!" the two lady's giggled causing me to blush even more.

"really? " Viv asked with a grin.

"no. " I answered while at the same time my mom answered "yes."

"mom stop." I laughed.

"you know when he was little he used to- "

"mom quit!" I laughed and made loud noises so Vivana couldn't hear.

After my torture we went back upstairs and played fifa for a bit. "No! My team clearly won! Stop cheating!" I shouted after I lost by ten points. She's good.

"whatever stop being a cry baby. " she giggled. I checked the time and saw that it read '6:24' I have almost three hours left with her.

"whatever let's go out to the trampoline. " we walked downstairs and out to the back yard.

The night was taking over so I had to turn on a light. We took off our shoes and crawled onto the jumper. "watch!" I jumped up and clapped my feet. I can't do much.

"ooh impressive! Watch!" she jumped up and got to touch her feet with her hands.

"stop being better than me at everything." I laughed and tackled her to the trampoline.  "I win." I laughed a kissed her nose.

"nope you tackled me!" she laughed and wrapped her little legs around my waist.

My hips accidentally thruster, creating friction between us and she giggled as I gasped. "stop." I laughed and kissed her soft lips.

Her fingers entertained my roots. She went to take a breath and. took the chance to slide my tongue into her mouth.  Viv was taken by surprise as I did this and her giggles were swallowed by me.

"Cal." she pants.

"yeah?" I nipped at her neck.

"what time is it I went want my dad to hate you." she sighed as I checked the time once more.

"Damn it." I sighed. "come on let's go we'll be there a few minutes early and he'll think I'm a good kid.

we slid on our shoes and walked inside. "Mom I'm taking Viv home!" I shouted and soon heard steps rushing down the stairs.

"awe so soon! Okay come over whenever." she hugged her once more and with that I was walking her down the block.

"Hey dad." Vivianas dad stood at the door as I held the small of her back in my Palm.

"hey baby girl how was your date?" He smiled and slowly looked over my face.

"great!" she nodded.

"that's good. okay uh come inside when you're ready to. " he gave us a few" watch it"  looks and stepped inside.

"I had a really good time with you today loser. " I smirked and lightly stroked her jaw, bringing Viv to my lips. I dipped my head down so I could reach her,as she tiptoed up to me.

"same go you weirdo." she smiled. 

"goodnight." I smiled as she walked inside.


(hey update before school yes. sorry for not updating lately. I've been pretty busy with getting settled into my new apt and school shopping and shit but yeah. ill update when I can! VOTE AND COMMENT FUCKERS.)


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