chapter 20

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Viviana's POV:

I felt the familiar sting in my eyes and rushed myself upstairs. I Sat on my bed and let the emotion take over my emptiness.

I wept and wept until I couldn't. Until I drained myself. I shuddered every 5 seconds or so and breathed heavily. Make up ran down my cheeks and I'm sure My eyes were puffy and dark.

A small, fragile knock was heard at my door. "yeah?" I tried to sound as normal as possible.

"Viv...someone's at the door for you." shit.

"okay um will you send them up here?" I really didn't want my brother, out of all people, see me cry.

"okay." A few seconds later, heavy foot steps were heard up the stairs and a knock on my door, once again.

"come in." I cleared my throat.

A tall, blonde, blue eyed boy, also known as my closest friend, was standing in my doorway with a medium sized ready bear, chocolate, and a smaller box.

"hey have you been crying?" his heavy accent filled my room.

"what? Oh no. No um." I whipped at my face and plastered a smile on my face. "why are you here?"

"I can't say goodbye to my best friend?" he smiled and sat next to me. "here I got these for you." he set the teddy bear and chocolate on the bed and opened the small box. "it's a necklace with a small heart on it." he smiled and signalled me to turn around.

"awe Luke thank you!" I smiled and felt the tears well up again. I'm such a mess.

"you're welcome so when do you leave?" His scent of cologne filled my nostrils and the warmth coming off of his body made me feel secure.

"uh in a few hours actually. At five." I glanced at the clock on my wall, which read midnight. Have I been crying that long?

"Awe. I'm gonna miss you. Promise you'll visit?" he smiled.

"promise." I nodded.

"okay well I just came to give these to you. Bye Viviana don't forget us here just because you're gonna be somewhere better. " he laughed as I made a distrusted face.

"never. no place is better if they don't have a Luke Hemmings. " I giggled and gave the tall boy a hug. "bye Luke.  I'll miss you."

He headed down stairs and I was left alone. I packed my things last minute and shoved all my things in bags. If I was going somewhere I didn't want to be, why act like it?

After an hour or so of unfolding and putting everything back neatly, I was done and ready for a nap.


A few hours later, my alarm blasted in my ear as I groggily got myself off the floor. I must have fallen asleep by accident.

I didn't feel like doing much so I jumped in the shower and let the warm water wake my muscles up.

After my nice, long shower, I braided my hair and brushed my teeth. I had my grey swears and a blue long sleeve on.

I went downstairs to load the car with my things and sat in the car with my headphones stuck to my ears like cement. I blasted the smiths and tried to forget what was happening.

A half hour later, my family was in the car and we were on our way to San Francisco. Good thing we lived in my grandmother's home, so we didn't have to take couches and such.

We made a few stops for gas, food, and bathroom breaks. Once we finally arrived, we walked into the new house.

It smelled like new carpet and a thrift store combined. The rooms were spacious and I got my own this time.

I unpacked my things and placed them in the dresser that was here already. My parents purchased the house with the furniture before us moving in.

It was nice. Gorgeous even. The walls were white, the furniture tan and black, and the beds were black.

I stood in the doorway of my room and pictured what it'd be like to have Calum sitting on that bed. I quickly shook the image out of my mind and made my bed.

I put up a few posters in the order of the picture I saw earlier on instagram. They were aligned in a perfect square. My bed was made with white sheets and my knitted, native print blanket rested on the foot of it.

My pillow had a maroon case on it, which threw an accent into the room. It wasn't finished yet but it was a start.

I started school here in two days, days my mom but I'm sure as he'll not ready.

Calum's POV:

She's gone now and tomorrow will be a day without her.




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