Chapter 45

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Viviana' s POV:

I sat in Calum's t-shirt as I watched the t.v. Some stupid reality show that was being played again. Break was almost over and we go back to school in two day.

Calum wanted to go on a double date with Luke and Madz. It should be fun, I have no clue where we're going so this should be great..

I finally decided to get ready. I straightened my hair quickly and put two coats of mascara. I lined my lid with eyeliner and got my lipstick.

When I went to try on my black skinny jeans they were too tight. I've done this multiple times..

I stood in front of the mirror, picking at every flaw I could find.

My legs are too short. I don't like the acne on my face. My hips aren't wide enough. I hate my thighs.

I sighed and pulled on my light washed jeans and an over sized maroon sweater. I tied my combat boots on and grabbed my keys.

I sat on the couch next to my dad. "So how are you and your boyfriend?" He asked as I got a cup of tea.

"We're great." I was a bit guilty for what we did on new year's, but I don't regret it for shit. "We're actually going on a double date with Luke..remember Luke? "

"Yeah. The blonde one right?" I nodded.

"Yeah him. Well him and his girlfriend." I checked my phone to see if he text me.

"And where are you going?" He asked. I chuckled and rolled my eyes at how stubborn Cal was being.

"No clue. He wants it to be a surprise. " I sighed. The doorbell rang and I quickly got to the door. My dad soon followed.

"Hey babe." I still couldn't stand the fact that I'm starting to like the stupid pet name.

He kissed my forehead and turned to my dad. "Hello sir." He shook his hand. My dad's glare made me anxious but I soon relaxed as a grin tugged at his lips.

"Hi Calum. How are you?" He was being overly nice.. it creeps me out.

"I'm good. And you?" He chuckled when I tried tugging on his hand.

"I'm great, take care of my daughter and don't get into trouble. " Calum nodded and I quickly pulled his arm towards the car. I want to leave.

"I promise we'll get arrested." I chuckled as we got into the car. I heard Luke chuckle as I shut the car door.

"See you make a bad impression on me. " I laughed at his comment.

"Hey guys!" I smiled at Madz and Luke. "So where are we going?" I asked.

"No clue they won't tell me." I chuckled as Madz was frowning at Luke. "You know, girls have to know these things so our outfits go with the situation. " she spoke the truth.

"Whatever. You guys look great. " Calum spoke to us. My heart fluttered at how sweet he is.

The thing I don't like about double dates is, well it's sort of like a competition between the couples.

Who's looking more cuddly and lovely dovey, or who is holding hands, or maybe even who ordered better food. I get anxiety over these things.

We pull into the parking lot of the Habbit. I flushed. I didn't feel like eating in front of them. I'll feel...gross.

"Come on." Calum opens the door for me as soon as we park. I quickly get off the car and hear him shut the door behind me.

Calum's hand soon entangles with mine as he spots Luke and Madz holding hands. I chuckle and we enter the restaurant.

We get to a booth and the waitress asks for our order. Calum ordered a burger and seasoned fries for him and I. Luke ordered the same thing for him and Madz.

As we waited for our food to get here, we chatted about how we did on the finals and whatnot.

As we spotted our food I became very self cautious. I pulled at my sleeves and sunk in my seat.

The waitress set our food down for us and I watched them start eating. The fact that Madz has a great figure makes me even more insecure.

I picked at my fries and took a bite out of my burger. I only ate half a burger by the time everyone was done. "Are we ready?" I asked as the boys sighed because of how full they were.

"But you haven't finished. " I felt my cheeks flush and I glanced down at the burger.

"I'm really full, I ate before I got here." I lied. They fell for it and Calum ordered for a to go box.

On our drive back home, I Sat next to Cal in the back. His hand was entangled in mine and my head in his shoulder.

"You can stay if you want." I spoke to Cal. He agreed as we got into my driveway. "Thanks you guys. I had a great time." I waved them off and we got inside.

"How was it." I heard my dad's voice in the kitchen.

"It was good. We got in trouble." I chuckled and hugged my dad.

"Don't tell him that!" Calum laughed, causing my dad to chuckle.

"We'll be upstairs if you need anything." I laughed and pulled him upstairs.

"So beauty. What'd you think of the date?" He crossed his legs on the bed like a five year old.

"It was great dork." I crawled on the bed and sat next to him. I rested my head on his thigh and he quickly kissed my lips.

"Good. " he chuckled.


(Just a filler chapter. I'll post tm as well sorry if I exited you guys. Love yahh)


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