chapter 40

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Viviana's POV:

When I woke up I wasn't in my room. My legs were tangled in with Calum's and we were in the abandoned house.

"shit." I whispered and got up. "Calum!" I attempted to wake him up.

The only thing coming from his lips were groans. "Calum!" I got on top of him.

A small giggle escaped his lips. "Calum wake up." I chuckled.

"you have to kiss me." he whispered with his eyes closed.

"no Calum get up." I laughed and tried crawling off of him but his hands shot up to my waist.

"You have to." he whispered again.

"okay. " I sighed and leaned in. His hands gripped my waist as I cupped his cheeks in my palms. I quickly pecked his lips and grinned. His eyes opened and I crawled off.

"hey." he called me. I turned around, waiting for him to say something.

"yeah?" I spoke when he didn't speak.

"don't think about it too much okay?" I don't know what he meant by that but I really wanted to move slower with him but the thing is that when I'm with this idiot I forget everything.

"we have to get home. I have to go get ready for school kid." I chuckled and put my boots on.

"alright let's go." he grabbed his jacket and slid his arms into the sleeves. He then put on his shoes and we got to the car.

When we got to my house He got out with me. We walked through the backyard and I crawled up to the roof. He followed.

"okay Cal. I'll see you in a bit. " I smiled and got my foot through my window.

"wait. " he walked over to me.

"yeah?" I smiled.

"can I..kiss you?" I felt my cheeks burn up. I have no clue as to how he still does this.

I still feel the butterflies and the red cheeks are still there. He takes over my heart and I have no clue how he does it.

"yes." I grinned when he got closer to me. His lips brushed mine and I felt his breath so close to me. I leaned into him and kissed softly.

"I missed you." he spoke quietly.

"what?" I didn't understand.

"I missed being here for you and kissing you and all the laughs. I missed you." he smiled.

"I missed you to." I smiled. "I gotta go, you gotta go." I got inside and waved him off.

It was only 6:56 and I had more than enough time.


School was almost over and Cal wanted me to go to his house After school. I didn't mind I'm sure his family knows we're just friends. Are we just friends? What are we.

"hey. " I smiled and hugged him quickly.

"alright let's go." he smiled and we got in his car. I'm actually a bit nervous as to how this will go.

"what's wrong?" he turned to me and back to the road. He probably notices me staring out the window in silence.

"nothing." I smiled half plastic.

"are you sure?" he placed his hand n my thigh. A small gasp escapes my lips when he started going higher.

"positive." I chuckled. "I'm just a bit nervous. "I smiled genuinely.

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