chapter 34

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Luke's POV:

"Nah I'd rather go fuck Viv. " I spat and walked out, leaving him sprawled out on the floor.

When I got outside I felt it sprinkling and by the time I was driving down the freeway it was pouring.

I got to a red light and it was so difficult to see. When the light turned green I dipped and I didn't see the headlights coming at me. The last thing I remember is the windows crashing in on me.

Viviana's POV:

"hello?" I answered my phone to the unknown number.

"hi. I'm doctor Surillo from the emergency room. " My heart dropped and I felt it skip a beat.

"yeah?" I squeaked.

"I'm calling because Luke Jennings got in a severe accident and he wanted you to get here." I felt tears well up in my eyes and I dropped my phone.

I grabbed my keys and ran to my car. When I got to the ER I ran to the front desk. "Luke Hemmings. " I rushed to the lady in the colorful headband.

"room 126. " she directed me down the hall and I rushed over.

I knocked at the door and it was opened by a middle aged man, in a white coat. "Viviana?" he asked me as I rushed inside.

"yeah. " I hummed looking for the boy with the blonde hair. When I spotted him behind the curtains, he was laying in bed with a cast on his arm and a heart monitor next t him.

"Hey.." he grinned.

"what the fuck happened?" I asked as I checked the bruise on his cheek.

"I was just driving home and it was raining. " he shrugged. He could have died and he's making this to be the smallest thing ever.

"what the Hell Luke. you could have died!!" I spoke my thoughts.

"it's okay because I didn't. you can't be mad at me for this. " he scoffed.

"I can! you should have been watching where you were going. you're such a dumbass! " I ran a hand through my hair, eyes prickling with tears.

"hey! hey. " he whispered and grabbed my hands. "don't cry. everything's okay. look at me. " he looked at me and smiled. He pecked my lips and I quickly stepped away from him.

"Luke stop! stop doing whatever the Hell you're doing and just forget that we ever happened. " I motioned between us.

"what?" he asked confused.

"I'll be back." I walked outside and quickly called Cal.

"dude what the fuck?!" I didn't give him time to answer.

"what!" he asked. He obviously doesn't know what the Hell is going on.

"where the Hell are you?! What the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted into the phone.

"what the fuck are you talking about! I just got out of the shower!" he shouted back and I could here him shut the door loudly.

"Luke got in a fucking car accident. Get Over here man. " I rushed and hung up. I decided to sit outside of the door and bring all of this in.

My head fell into my hands as music filled my ears. I noticed the tall boy with dark hair walk in and rush to me. I noticed the bruising on his face and the gash on his lip.

"hey. what happened?" he rushed past me and into the room. "dude.." he noticed the casts and technology around him.

"it's nothing man." Luke squinted.

"bullshit!  look at you. you're fucked up dude.

Calum's POV:

"I'm good bro." he shrugged. He was obviously confused on what I was doing. I'm not going to tell her we fought over some stupid shit like that.

"whatever man. let me see. " I still didn't put everything off though. I told him not to talk to her anymore.

I lifted up his chin and examined the bruising on his neck, at least I thought they were bruises at first glance. Everything came into realization now.

The whole story made sense and he was telling the truth.

But I wasn't going to talk about it in front of her. "yeah.." I cleared my throat.

"We need to take a few x-rays of Luke so if you two could step outside?" I glanced at Viv and walked out.

I took the seat nearest to the door and she was a seat next to me. "it's getting fucking hot." she sighed and pulled off the scarf.

The 'bruising' was also on her neck. What the fuck man. "what's that?" I brought it up.

"what's what?" panicked in her eye.

"the red on your neck." I spoke in montone. I didn't want her to know I cared about it.

"its just a um rash.." she covered it up again and I pulled it off of her.

"you know damn well what that is. " I sighed and rubbed my face.

"what are you fucking talking about calum. " she asked and ran a hand through her hair.

"those are fucking hickeys!  you fucked Luke didn't you. you fucking slut. " I stood up. I honestly was just blowing off steam.

"Calum! no! it wasn't like that! don't call me that!" she cried and rushed outside. Damn it man.

I chased her to her car.




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