chapter 52

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Viviana's POV:

I parked my car in front of the place my cousin, Jasmine, told me to meet her. We grabbed tea so I could relax from the long drive and she showed me the way to my house.

"Well home sweet home." She looked over at me and smiled as we got off of the car.

She handed me my keys and I quickly unlocked the door. I was actually very excited to see it for myself, instead of the pictures on my phone.

As I opened the door, I got a hint of the smell. It smelt like new carpet and wood. I looked around, the furniture I ordered was set in the center of what seemed to be the living room.

The room was a nice size. My bed was set in the center of the room and my drawer in the corner. The closet was a small walk in closet and the bathroom was just down the hall.

We walked back out to the living room as I took everything in.

"I didn't know where to tell them to put it so I just set it there. I can help you move it if you want?" I shook my head.

"I actually like it there." I smiled. "Thanks." I looked into the part where the kitchen was fixed.

The apartment was Nice, spacious. The walls were white and there was no carpet, just wood. There was one wall, brick to be specific, is where the couch is facing.

I like it a lot, but I think I'm going to paint the walls. "Okay well let's start getting your things out." I nodded and we walked out to my car.

I didn't have much things, just my clothes and things needed. We got everything out and started unpacking.

"Oh no I can do that." She started putting everything in drawers. "You don't have to." I like knowing where my things are.

"Oh okay. We'll I start work in a bit but I'll call you tomorrow. If you have any questions just tell me." I nodded with a smile.

"Hey. Thanks again. This is a lot you did for me." I rest my head against the door frame.

"It really wasn't. You're welcome. " we said our goodbyes.

I started taking everything out and placing where they belonged. I took my speakers out And started playing my indie playlist.

After I put all my things away, that belonged in my room, I started on the kitchen.

I bought everything I needed back in L.A. I started ripping ll the tags off the silverware and put them where I wanted them.

I put my movies and DVD player in the small area under the tv. It looked good after I was done with it.

I went back into my room and put my posters up. It was a good start. It looked good.

I start my job in three days and this will all feel normal then. I'm so happy.


(Hey small update I'm sorry I didn't update last night. I fell asleep talking to Viv over the phone. Anyways here it is. I'm updating later but please know I'm getting off break soon and I don't know how my schedule will be on the updating part. )


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