chapter 59

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Calum's POV:

"Yeah. Alright man. I'll see you tomorrow night." I spoke to Ashton who was on his laptop.

"Alright. Tell Viv I said hey." I nodded and grabbed my suitcase.

I set it in the trunk and drove over to the train station. I have missed her so much.

When I got to the train station, I parked my car in the over night parking lot and grabbed my luggage out of the trunk.

I stepped onto the train and sat in the back. I took a look around and noticed the small girl sitting in with her mother.

The little girl had a set of curls sitting on her shoulders. Her eyes were green and her little overalls had a stain of something on her chest.

She was looking right at me so I waved at her. She giggled and waved back. The little girl hid her face in her mother's side.

I found myself chuckling. I really like kids but I'm not sure if I'd be a good father.

I grabbed my headphones from my back pocket and connected it to my phone. Music soon filled my ears and I stared out the window.

After the train stopped, I searched for the girl with the purple hair. I noticed her car in the parking lot, so she must be waiting somewhere.

I stepped off the train and walked over to the benches. I noticed her walking over to me so I put my things down.

Viv was wearing my Nirvana sweater and some black sweats. I looked down at her feet and noticed something different.

"No creepers? " I giggled into her neck.

"Shut up. Crocs are stylish." I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. We walked over to the car and I put my things in the trunk.

When we got home, I set my things down in her room. I jumped in bed and waited for her to follow. "But it's only nine?"

"I'm tired. " I laughed and wrapped my arms around her knees, throwing her over my shoulder in the process.

"Calum!" I laughed and threw her on the bed. I got her under the covers and got under as well.

"How's work babe?" I loved calling her that because of the expression that grows on her face after I do.

"It's going good, I really like my coworkers and my schedule isn't too hard. I just need to adjust it for when school starts." I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tight to me.

"That's good." I breathed in the scent of her hair. I rubbed unknown shapes on her skin under her- my sweater.

"Calum?" I smiled and turned to face her.

"Yeah?" I put my forehead to hers.

"Would you ever want kids?" I thought about the little girl on the train earlier.

"I. Yeah. I think I would. " I nodded. A grin pulled at her lips. "I don't know if they'd like Mr but I'd want a little baseball team of my own." She chuckled.

"They'd love you." I grinned.

I gripped her waist as she cuddled up to my chest. I ran my hands through her hair as I felt her chest rise and fall.

After a while I noticed her heavy breathing, causing me to chuckle. "But it's only nine my butt." I whispered and cuddled up to her.

I fell asleep soon after.


"Babe." I kissed Viv all over her face, trying to wake her. She's such a cute sleeper...but I'm hungry. "Babbbeee"

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