chapter 53

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Calum's POV:

It's been a week since Viviana left. I've been hanging out with the guys a lot more lately and honestly it feels kind of nice.

I also started work at my dad's, friend's pizzeria two days ago. Band practice has been really good and we're making more progress on the music.

"Hey man what time do you work?" Mikey asked as he took another bite of the pizza we ordered. Before you ask, no I do not get tired of pizza.

"In- shit!" I glanced down at my phone. "I gotta go. I'll be at practice after work be ready." I grabbed my keys and drove home.

I start work in less than thirty minutes. I threw on my uniform and brushed my teeth. I am soon to be moving in with Ashton but for now I'm still here with my mom and dad.

I drove to work, a few miles away from my house. As I parked in the empty spot between a motorcycle and a van, I spotted the red head that worked with me today.

I don't really like her much, but she seems to like me a lot. She gets kind of annoying honestly and she seems desperate. Her name is something like Anna, or Emma, I don't know... something like that.

I clocked in and got to the back so I could wash my hands. After I got to reading the orders and putting the toppings on it.

"Hey Calum!" The squeaky voice was heard behind me.

"Hi Emma." I didn't look back at her. I could see from the corner of my eye, that she was staring at me though.

"Uh it's Emily.. what's up? How are you?" I sighed and slid the pizza into the oven and started the next order.

"Yeah same thing. I'm good. Getting work done." I was trying to ignore her but I didn't want to be rude.

"Yeah." She giggled. "That's good. Um hey I was meaning to talk to you." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah?" I wasn't sure what she needed.

"I was wondering what you were doing today Or tomorrow?" I chuckled and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Actually. Today I have band practice and then I'm going to call my girlfriend. " maybe that'll get her to back off.

"Oh! Oh my God." I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck. The girl's cheeks went as red as the tomato sauce. "I didn't know im-"

"It's okay. " I nodded and got the wet rag and started cleaning the tables off.

After work, I drove home and showered, I couldn't help but think of Viv. Her giggles and the way her eyes wrinkled when she smiled.

I had flashback of our recent date and felt the pit of my stomach turn. I noticed myself growing at the thought of her.


After my shower I searched for my Nirvana sweater everywhere but I just could not find it.

I threw on my navy blue hoodie and some black skinny jeans. I slipped my black converse on and got to band practice.

"Hey guys!" I walked into Ashton's basement and grabbed my bass. Mikey was fixing his microphone and Luke was tuning his guitar, while Ashton was lightly tapping on his drums.

"Hey man! How was work?" Ashton is always the first to ask.

"It was good except this girl asked me out, well tried." I chuckled.

"Was she hot?" Mikey shouted.

"She's cute." I shrug. "Anyways she was like hey what are you doing later and I said I had band practice and I'm calling my girlfriend later." I chuckled after telling them what happened.

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