chapter 50

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Viviana's POV:

I layed in Calum's bed with our legs tangled. My head rested on his chest with his fingers in my hair.

I was wearing his Nirvana t-shirt and some sweats he had on the ground. He on the other hand, was shirtless and in a other pair of darker sweats.

"So what do you want to do for the last week you're here with me. " the words make my heart crack as if it's made of glass and is being compressed with so much pressure.

"Um it doesn't matter. Except on the weekend I'm doing stuff with my family but the rest of the week I'm yours. " I spoke softly.

"Okay. So Monday we get to hang out?" I look up at him. The hair that litters his forehead have now turned to curls caused by the sweat created from our recent activities.

"For sure." I nod and kiss his nose. "But right now I have to get home because it's late and my dad is probably losing his shit." I sigh and try getting up, but as soon as I do so, his arms wrap around my waist and I am thrown back onto the bed.

"Nope. Stay here." He whispered. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Lets go." I grabbed my bag and got to the door while he slipped his feet in some sandles.

On my way home he was making stupid jokes and puns. I'm gonna miss this kid.

"Okay. I'll see you Monday. " he spoke as we sat in the car parked in front of my house.

"Yeah. " I nod and unbuckled myself. "See yah." I smile.

"Hey." His voice stopped me when I opened the door.

"Yeah?" I smiled and kept a foot outside of the car.

"I love you." I smiled and kissed his lips softly.

"Love you too." I got inside and shut my door.


The next morning I had to help my mom clean the house and go grocery shopping. Most of the day consisted of me hanging out with my mom and helping out around the house.

At the moment I am sitting in the living room watching some movie my dad wanted to watch as a family, something he never wants to do.

"So how's Calum dealing with you moving?" My dad's voice cut through the dead room.

"Um he's a little bummed but he's okay. " I nodded.

"Oh that's good. I mean. Not that he's bummed but that he's taking it okay. " I chuckled at his interpretation of words.

"Yeah." I smiled and got up to my room.

"Hey we're ordering pizza what kind do you want?" I panicked.

"Um. Pepperoni. " I'll have to take sleeping pills so they think I just fell asleep waiting for the pizza.

I got to my room and took the pills I hid in my drawer. Washing it down with water, I got into bed and slowly started drifting off to sleep.


I needed a few more things for when I move so I asked my mom to go to Target with me.

"So do you know what the place looks like?" My mom asked me as I picked up a small lamp and checked the price.

"Uh yeah. I have pictures of it. It's cute." I smiled and put the lamp in the kart.

"That's good." She smiled. I feel that my mom is the most proud of me. For graduating and getting to college.

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