chapter 7

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(heyy well I'm gonna update really fast because if you do follow me on my social medias I have kept you updated on me moving! YAY! haha well yeah and I won't be able to fit in any updates up until a week. so here we go.)

Viv's POV:

"no don't. I'm gonna kill the both of you." I heard Calum's raspy morning voice beside me, along with my two friends laughs.

"it'll come off come on stop being a woos. " Luke whispered as Cal's arms tightened around me.

"yeah it'll be off. your girlfriend won't be mad. " Lily's voice rushed.

"she's not my girlfriend yet stop labeling her." he's so defensive. I couldn't help but let a little giggle slip. "you guys woke her up. "

I opened my eyes to find Cal's face near inches from mine. A grin grew on his face as I shyly smiled. "morning." I whispered and kissed his nose. I looked over at the blonde and brunette giraffes holding Crayola markers.

"hey sleeping beauty." Lily giggled.

"hi. um what you guys doin?" I sat up but Cal's leg was in the way, causing me to trip and fall on his lap.

"they. were trying to draw on your face but I wouldn't let them." he grabbed my waist and kissing my cheek. " I giggled.

"ugh come on let's get breakfast." Liliana pulled Luke towards the door as we followed. "morning mom

" she smiled as we all walked into the kitchen.

"hey I made eggs and bacon if you want some." she walked up the stairs with a plate of food, leaving us with tons of food to eat.

After breakfast we decided to just go out to river park. An outdoor mall.

"thanks mom I'll call you later or aunt Christy. " Lily thanked her mom as we got off the car.

"okay so what do you guys want to do first?" the smirk on Luke's face meant he wanted to cause trouble. I know him too well.

"let's go to target!" Calum rushed towards the side of the movie theater and stopped at the busy street.

"come on its our turn. " I lied and kept walking.

"no its not Viv! " everyone walked fast behind me.

"we stop for no one." I shouted as they giggled. I hate waiting for cars to pass. Pedestrians first.

"you're crazy!" Calum laughed as we walked into target.

"Luke grab two carts!" I shouted and he did as told. I motioned them to act normal and walk into the store casually and as soon as we got far enough I jumped in the cart as Lily got in the other.

"what are we doing?" Luke stood by Lily's cart.

"having a battle duh." Cal spoke while handing each of us foam swords he found on a rack.

Luke raced with the cart in front of him and I felt mine move as well. We screeched as we sped through the store.

"hey !!" the security chased us.

We raced out the doors and down the street. "oh my god!" I laughed so hard at Calum's reaction. He was freaking out that the security were coming after us.

"Cal calm down." Luke laughed.

The day consisted of running around and we managed to get kicked out seven different stores.

"mom. we're ready will you pick us up?" lily spoke into the phone.

I'm worn out from running around so much. "this was really fun. " Cal spoke softly as his arms snaked around my body.

"yeah it was." I smiled, looking up at him.

He leaned in slowly and met his lips with mine. The kiss was quick and gentle. Nothing at all compared to last night.


"so I'll see you Monday?" he asked as the car stopped at my house. I nodded and hopped off.

"bye thank you!" I waved off and stepped inside.

"who were those boys?" my mom questioned as I stepped in.

"oh her brother and her brothers friend." I shrugged it off and got to my room. I need a shower.


(okay so I'll update probably if I can in two days. if not then idk I'll post about it on my account @/jacks.babe on Instagram. byeee)


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