chapter 27

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Viviana's POV:

"" I kicked around my foot. Calum had his lip between his teeth and his hands were shoved in his pockets.

" you eant to go somewhere?" his voice was shaky and uncertain.

"oh..I don't think we should.." I gave him a weary look.

"oh my God no I didn't mean it like that I meant as in like get away from here. Catch up." he giggled and I felt my cheeks turn red.

Bre's POV:

"and what's your favorite color?" Ashton played with my hair while Mikey was sitting on the floor, strumming on a guitar.

"um I'd have to say green." I smiled and brought my hands to his curl that fell onto his face.

"that's cool." he chuckled as I removed the hair, tossing it back for him. His eyes were soft.

"what's yours?" I asked back.

"mine?" he furrowed his brows in thought and took my petite hands into his not- so- small- hands. "red." he smiled and gave my hand a squeeze.

He placed his free hand on my upper thigh and our intertwined one's on his shoulder. We were awfully close.

"so do you like our band?" he chewed on his lip as he grew closer and closer.

"y-yeah." I breathed out. I have no idea what I'm doing.

"yeah?" his forehead was resting against mine and I could feel his hot breath lap on my lips.

"Yeah." I smiled and let my eyes travel down to his lips. A grin grew soon them and his hand moved my hair away from my face.

His eyes flickered up to mine and back down to my lips before closing the small gap between us.

I brought my hand to the back of his neck and pulled him closer. Our hands still connected on his shoulder. His free hand snaked onto my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

I straddled his hips and I felt him growing under me.

"hi uh yeah. I'm just gonn go now. " Micheal cleared his throat.

"yeah me to. " Luke chuckled and they left the room.

"it's fine. " he smiled and pulled my neck back down to him.

"wait." guilt came over me.

"yeah?" he frowned.

"I uh. I have a boyfriend." I started climbing off of him but he held me down.

"its okay. he doesn't have to know. right?" he smirked. Ashton's voice was deep and laced with lust.

"I. I guess not."  I smiled and leaned back in. His tongue lapped over mine as I grinder my hips into his.

Ashton slowly started rising my shirt up and off of me. Throwing it to an unknown direction.

His hands groped me as I tugged at his hair. I started unbuckling his skin tight jeans and pulled his shirt off.

He was really toned. I ran a finger down his stomach and back up to his lips. His hands tugged at my jeans and I quickly slipped out of them.

His boxers were lifted slightly. Ashton slid my underwear off and I tugged at his.

Calum's POV:

"come on." I pulled her behind me as we got through the fence.

"oh my God it's been so long since I've been here." she whispered as we got into the house.

"I've come here everyday since you've left." I admitted. "no one knows about it." I sat on the bed.

"you added a lot to this house." she looked at the new furniture I brought in.

"yeah. I stay here some times." I smiled and pulled the guitar out of under the bed.

"is that the guitar you used when.." I nodded.

"yeah it is. I don't use it." I stroked it, cringing when I heard how out of tune it was.

"how come?" she sat next to me, placing a hand on the guitar. Viv took it from me and started tuning it.

"I don't like to. you know. too many memories." I shrugged.

"there I fixed it." she grinned, ignoring the words coming from my lips.

"it starts in my toes makes me crinkle my nose wherever it goes I always know. That you make me smile please stay for a while now just take your time wherever it goes."

She sang as she stroked the guitar. I had no idea how good of a voice she had until now.

"wow." I complimented. Her cheeks turned pink, like the way I always adored.

"so how have you been?" she asked and set the guitar down.

She has no idea.


(hey yeah bye.)


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