chapter 39

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Micheal's POV:

"you don't remeber?" she asked as she grew closer to me.

"remember what?" I asked, scooting as far away from her as possible. I just hope I didn't do anything stupid.

"We kinda hooked up." she giggled her annoying ass laugh.

"well I was high so I'm sorry for whatever happened but it was just a hook up." I got up so I could search for Calum and Viv.

"where are you going?" she followed.

"im looking for Calum, Viviana's boyfriend. So if you could gladly go away that would be lovely. " I was acting like a dick on purpose. I really need her to go away.

"oh? Boyfriend huh? " she chuckled.

"dude. Go away I'm trying to put this as nice as possible. He moved on. Quickly as a matter of fact. And I don't want you either. So if you could fuck off." I huffed and walked off.

That should have done the trick. Now where the fuck is Calum so I can explain what happened.

Calum's POV:

"I doubt he knew he was doing. I'm sure he was drunk or some shit. Or maybe she's makinh things up to mess with you're friendship? " Viv tried to make me calm down at what my friend did.

"its not like I really care. He can have my sloppy left overs." I struggled off and spotted the guy with the red hair.

"Chill out." Viv pulled on my sleeve.

"hey man." he walked up to us. "look. I didn't know what I was doing. I tried acid and I guess she was there and found me. I already told her and-"

"doesn't matter man. I don't care. " I don't.

"um. okay. " he cleared his throat. "uh is there practice today?" I'm sure he's just trying to change the subject.

"nope not today. I have plans. " I shrugged. "anyways we gotta go see ya, " I pulled Viv along with me and got the the car.

"where are we going We still have two classes?" she asked while she got in the car.

"I don't know I just wanna leave I hate school." I scoffed. I knew exactly where we're going.

I drove into the grassy field where. usually parked and got her into the house. "we'll stay here till after school. " I spoke.

I didn't want her getting in trouble, nor did I want anyone to find us. I want to waist time hanging out with Viv.

"Okay." she shrugged. I hooked my phone up to the speakers I put in here last week and blasted Green Day.

She looked over at me and grinned. "good choice." she complimented and sat on the bean bag chairs.

"thanks." I chuckled and sat next to her.

"So what do you think happened with Cydney after we left?"

I don't even want to think about them honestly.


"hey let's get you home. Meet me in your backyard at 10:00 and don't be as loud as last time." I drove past the stops and made sharp turns. I don't want to get her in trouble.

"okay. " she spoke as the car came to a stop. "see you later kid. " her smile made me warm and at home.

"Okay..kid." I chuckled as she shut the door and ran up to her doorstep.

I got to my house and shut my door. "hey mom." I sighed and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey kid. " I smiled at the words Viv just spoke to me.

"how was your day?" I took a bite of an apple and sat next to her on the couch.

"It was good. did a bit of laundry and ran some errands. " she smiled. "how was yours?" she asked back.

"it was good. I hung out with Viv. " I nodded.

"are you still with that Cydney girl?" she was never fond of her...well not as much as she was with Viv.

" actually we ended things a few weeks ago." a smile tugged at her lips and I couldn't help but chuckle. "you took that very well. " she chuckled.

"sorry but I didn't really like that girl. Are you getting back with Viv?" I knew the question was coming up sooner or later.

"uh I'm trying but she's wanting to take things slow. She's stubborn. Just like you." I smiled.

"yeah. you love her don't you?" I felt warmth in my stomach. Buterflies.

"yeah. I think I do." I smiled. "anyways. I'm going upstairs. I have a bunch of homework I need to do. " I kissed her cheek and rushed to my room.

I killed time by showering and cleaning up my room. I stepped out of my window and climbed off my roof.

I got to my car and headed towards her house. I was a few minutes early. 9:45.

I'll just wait in the car or something.

When I got there I got into the backyard and sat at the stone wall that reminded me of her old house.

"Romeo Romeo where are thou Romeo." I heard her sweet voice not the shadows, making me jump a bit.

"you fucking scared me loser." I chuckled and hugged her.

"sorry. you smell nice." she wrapped her arms around me only reaching my torso.

"thanks. Come on." I wrapped my hand in hers and walked her to the car.

When we got to the abandoned house I kicked off my shoes and sat at our bean bags.

"so." she pulled out her phone.

"so." I sighed.

"can I draw on your face?" she asked as she noticed the markers on the floor.

"i- guess." I chuckled as she walked back to me, markers in hand.

"okay don't move." she scooted her bean bag closer to me. I felt the cold marker touch right under my nose and I quickly drew back.

"its cold. " I whined.

"calm down big baby. " she chuckled and stood up, placing one knee on my bean bag.

"there!" I felt her trace out whatever she was drawing.

"no wait! I only got one half of your moustache done!" she lost her balance, falling onto my lap.

I laughed and fought her eyes.

Viviana's POV:

I fell onto his lap as I reached further. I fought his eyes and locked them with mine.

His eyes moved down to my lips and back to my eyes. They soon fluttered closed and so I closed mine.

His lips soon touched mine and moved soflty. Its been a while since I've had his lips on mine. I've missed this. Home.

I pulled back and smiled. His eyes went back to my lips and a giggle escaped his mouth.

"what?" I smiled.

"you have a half a moustache. " I laughed and noticed his.

"so do you!" I chuckled.

"you're my other half. " I couldn't help but laugh.

"fucking cheeseball." I giggled and sat next to him.


We layed in the old bed as he played with my hair. I could hear his heart beat and the way his chest moved up and down when he breathed.

His humming soothed me as I drifted off to sleep.


(yo yo yo. it's scrappy and little dune...little dune and scrappy.... -jack and Jack are the best-  anyways sorry for not updating happy thanksgiving and yeah byeee)


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