chapter 38

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Viviana's POV:

We've been hanging out for two weeks now and I know we are supposed to take this slow but I can't help but remember what t used to be like when we were freshman.

There's a party tonight but he doesn't want to go so we're just going to hang out and watch movies.

Cydney's POV:

"whatever Calum. " I hung up and felt the tears roll down my cheeks. I loved him.

I threw my phone across the room, for it only to be stopped by a wall. I sighed.

I need a drink.


Its been weeks now since Cal and I separated and I still can't deal with this. I've been drinking and smoking to keep him off my mind.

Tonight there's a party that I plan on attending.

I got ready. I wore my hair straightened and my short black skirt. I was showing more cleavage than usual.

I'd never admit it but I plan on getting laid tonight. I've been drinking since 7:00 and its now 9:00. I need to go.

I decided to drive since it wasn't too far and I only had a small buzz.

When I got there I heard the music loud and clear. I walked in without knocking. There were already people passed out on the porch.

The strong smell of weed and alcohol hit me as soon as the door was opened.

I shoved my way through the sweaty, drunk teens and got to the kitchen. Liquor.  need it.

Luke's POV :

I sat in the circle and watched as they took it. Mikey was going it for the first time. This shit gets you fucked up. I've only ever done it twice but I know how it works.

"want some?" The boy with the colored eyes asked me. I had no idea who he was but apparently he's been hanging with us all day.

"no man im good. " I'm not in the mood for this tonight. I just want to get home. I've had this shitty mood since I got out of the hospital.

"alright your loss." he shrugged and took the acid.

Mikey has been drinking all night and he's taking this shit. He's gonna have to crash here because I'm not gonna deal with him.

I need fresh air. I walked out and sat on the stairs that were on the side of the house.

I kicked my feet around and thought about exactly what Viv was doing. She's probably hanging out with Calum. I wouldn't be surprised.

"oh- um I'll just fin d somewhere else." I heard a voice from the left of me.

"oh no. it's fine you can stay. I was just leaving. " I spoke to the girl with the blonde hair and blue eyes.

"oh. are you sure? you can stay with me if- if you want." I smiled and sat back down.

"so what's your name?" I asked her as she mirrors my feet's circular motion.

"Madz." she spoke.

"cool. is it short for something?"

"Yeah. Madlynn." she nodded. "what's your name?"

"Luke." I smiled.

"short for Lucas?" I chuckled.

"no. Just Luke." She giggled.

Michael's POV:

I already felt it hit me a bit ago. I was so out of it. All I know is that Luke isn't here with me. I can't hear him either.

Cydney's POV:

I sat n a circle and smiled at the guy with the red hair. He was cute. I think he hung out with Calum before But I'm not sure.

"hey." I smirked at him.

"what's up." he nodded at me. His eyes going down to my chest.

"Mm not much. " I shrugged.

"huh?" he shouted over the music.

"do you want to go upstairs so we could hear ourselves? "

"Okay." he nodded and I led him up the flight of stairs.


Viviana's POV:

The next day I met Luke and Cal for lunch and Luke brought Mikey along. I'm not too close to him or Ashton yet.

"so how was the party last night?" Cal asked the guys.

"it was alright I guess. Mikey tried a few new things." Luke chuckled.

"yeah. I was so out of it. " he shook his head. He must have done a few drugs or some stupid shit like that.

I sat next to Cal with him to the right of me. The guys next to us because there wasn't enough room across from us.

As we spoke I spotted Cydney n her way over to us. I felt Calum's arm snake around me and tighten.

"Cydney what are you doing over here." Cal spoke with a deep voice.

"nothing I came t talk to Mikey. " she squeaked. "hi Viviana." she plastered a fake smile on her face. I saw her arm spill Orange juice on my food. "oops. Hi Micheal." she smiled.

"um...hey?" he squinted in confusion.

"how are things?" she giggled.

"what? do you need something?" he asked.

"you went remeber? last night?" she whispered but we still heard.


"let's go." Cal pulled on my arm. I followed him out without looking back.

What a bitch.


(soo sorry for so many of the different point of views. Anyways BUY FOUR ON ITUNES!)


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