chapter 24

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Viviana's POV:

I didn't know what to do. I pulled back and wiped my lip really quick. "Calum." I whispered. "I think you should go."

"I-  I'm so sorry I don't know what I- " he shook his head and stepped out of the car.

I started the car and headed home. I'm glad I didn't give them my number because I really just want to be alone right now.

I got off the car, tears down my face. I shoved the key into the lock but the stupid door wouldn't open. I shoved it open and got inside.

After throwing myself on my bed I sat there, empty. Calum just kissed me. He's sending mixed emotions but he has a girlfriend. A beautiful one at that.

I don't really like the girl. She seams so stuck up and well...Bitchy. Maybe it's because I'm just jealous, but you can't blame me.

I got up and walked to the kitchen. No one's home so I guess I can just sit and watch a movie for a bit.

I played Mean Girls and grabbed a bowl of ice cream. That's what the girls do in the chick flicks and I've never tried it.

Later that night I felt like going out so I decided to try and find Luke. I got to his house and knocked.

The door opened with the tall boy behind it. "hey!" he smiled down at me. "what's up purple girl." I giggled.

"its not purple and Hey let's hang out." I smiled as he stepped out. He was wearing a white t-shirt and the black skinny jeans that he wore to school today.

"alright. where do you wanna go?" He asked as he unlocked his car. I've never been in a car with him and I'm unsure on how this is going to play out. Luke can be very clumsy at times.

"I have no idea I just really don't want to be home alone. " I uncomfortably sat in the leather passenger seat and picked at my skinny jeans.

"your house It is, but I want to get pizza." he brought the car to life and headed towards the little Caesars.

We got home with a large pepperoni pizza and a few scary movies from Redbox.

"no one's here so it's just me so. yah." I plopped onto the couch and he followed.

"I miss your old house." hw glanced around. "it feels awkward here." hw giggled and took a bite of his pizza.

"yeah me to but I really like it here." I grabbed a piece and played the movie.

Midway through the movie Luke's phone rang. He gave me an awkward look and stated that it was Calm.

"no!" I harshly whispered but he answered it anyways.

"No I'm with- "

"No!" I pinched at his arm.

"I'm with my mom!" he cried out. I tried to control my laughter before Cal finds out he's here.

"okay." he hung up and rubbed his arm.


The movie ended and I sat with the empty box of pizza. "so how are things." he spoke.

"horrible." I puffed and set the box on the floor.

"why?" he frowned.

"because I don't like being around Calum anymore." I pouted and kicked my feet up onto his lap.

"why he's chill and mature now. " he defended his friend.

"I don't know. " I remembered the kiss we shared earlier this day. "and I don't like his girlfriend either." I whispered a bit too loud.

"is that what this is all about?" he set my feet down gently and sat up straight.

"no. I- maybe." I sighed and rest my face in my hands.

"it's okay.  I don't like her either." he giggled and for a second I felt my best friend come back.

"I missed you." I whispered and looked over at Luke.

"I've missed you more. " he smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"hey it's getting late but you should come check out our band. see whatcha think." he smiled and got to his feet.

"okay I'll see yah." I walked him to the door and hugged him once more.

Luke's POV:

"you were with her I know you were. Stop hiding." Calum raised his voice and sat in my car.

I picked him up right after I left Viviana's house. He clawed at his jeans and for a moment I thought they'd rip.

"no I wasn't and even if I was she doesn't want to see you. she doesn't think its okay." I sighed and griped the wheel.

"stop being a dick and just tell me your fucking with her." he raised his voice a level higher.

"I'm not fucking like that!  you know that! okay I fucking kissed her once it doesn't mean that m trying to get into her pants! I'm being her friend something that you arent." I shouted right back at him.

"how am not being a friend!  I've done exactly what you. have and she hates me. " he whispered the last part.

"exactly and that stupid little brat of yours." as soon as the words left my mouth I regretted it.

"what!" Calum shouted. "say some shit like that again I swear!" his fists were balled up and turning white.

"what are you going to do? nothing." I slammed on the breaks and nodded for him to get out. We were almost to his house so I don't feel bad at all. "get out."

"pussy." I wanted to run up on him but he's just a bit jealous and needs to blow off some steam.


(short update.)


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